February 9th, 2025

Library Chat: Library preparing for all potential virus scenarios

By Ken Feser on March 13, 2020.

I think most Hatters are concerned about the COVID-19 virus these days. I know I am. Our community is unaffected right now but it will probably not remain so. I expect library service will be affected at some point.

Service disruptions could come in a few different forms. Employees could become sick or require quarantine, affecting our ability to conduct business. Our facility could require closure for cleaning. Or, rules or recommendations could come into effect that limit public gatherings or the opening of public facilities. We need to be ready for all scenarios.

We are preparing in a few different ways. We are staying informed of the situation, particularly recommendations coming out of our public health and government agencies. The federal and provincial governments are publishing information on the internet and they are excellent trustworthy sources for all of us. The city is a crucial partner for the library because they have knowledge, information and tools to help us prepare.

We are assessing risks and planning responses. It is already important to keep contact surfaces that people touch as clean as possible so we have stepped up our cleaning of tabletops, doorknobs, computer keyboards, returned books and such. The federal government has identified risk factors for public events. I believe most of our public spaces and programs are lower risk because they involve small and uncrowded gatherings of local people. No cancellations are currently planned.

Unfortunately, some of our spaces and services are a little more problematic. Our puzzles, toys and play space involve a lot of physical contact so we will likely have to pause access to them, perhaps quite soon.

We are doing business continuity planning to prepare if we have to cancel services or close spaces. It is important to ensure that, for example, building systems like heating are maintained even if the facility is closed. We also want to maintain the highest level of service possible that is compatible with the situation and the need to minimize illness.

If you have questions, we are in the knowledge business and we’d be happy to help you in your research. Check out our blog at mhpl.info/blog for trustworthy information and sources, and for ongoing library updates. The easy things to do now include washing hands frequently, maintaining social distance (trying to stay a couple metres from others), covering coughs and sneezes, having a few days worth of food and supplies at home, and staying home when sick. These simple actions will help protect yourself and others. It is also important not to worry too much or to overreact. It is a serious issue but we will get through it together.

Ken Feser is chief librarian at the Medicine Hat Public Library.

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