By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 20, 2025.
Ticked Off Why can’t we have a premier with a backbone like Ford? Instead of spending weeks in the U.S., Smith should spend some time in her own province standing up for Albertans. Tickled Pink A big tip of the hat to all the snow plow and grader operators who had to navigate around all the idiotic islands and “traffic calming” devices that City Hall keeps dreaming up. Ticked Off If we’re serious about not buying American products why is it that U.S. giant retailers in this city are still very busy. Yes, they’re not only selling U.S. products but products from other countries as well, but still, the sales revenue does not stay here in Canada. Ticked Off In one way I am glad the carbon tax is removed, but I wonder what is going in its place, or where are they going to hide the alternative. Ticked Off With MP Glen Motz’s utopian message in a March 15 News advertisement saying how Poilievre, who favours Trumpism and said Canada is broken, will magically fix everything if only we elect them. Magical thinking. Ticked Off The Liberal “carnival” starts now with Mark Carney dodging questions, hiding his real political ideology, trying to bamboozle Canadians into thinking he is the new saviour. Sorry but not buying what Carney is selling. Ticked Off Danielle Smith is such a disappointment. She should be ranting about Trump, not Carney. Her partisanship is disturbing. She does not seem to want to be Canadian. If you are a Canadian but don’t want to be, what do we call you? Ticked Off Premier Smith has said people should pay for their own health care. She would like to privatize it and yet the majority of Albertans like the government-run system. We should not re-elect our current government. Ticked Off Losing parking downtown seems ridiculous, as there is precious little with how they did the handicap parking and those bench/flower beds. Why not have Sixth Avenue one way from Second Street right down to Fourth Street instead? Allow parking both sides of the street, one lane turning and one lane straight. No loss of parking but gaining instead. Ticked Off The news of the Hudson’s Bay filing for bankruptcy should be a wake-up call for Canadians that the failed policies of the Liberal government have decimated the economy of Canada and it is time for them to go. Ticked Off Canada’s ambassador to the U.N. said Trump’s plan is to steal Canada’s resources by force. He wants to put economic force on us to annex us. Why aren’t our leaders saying things like, “We will charge you more for our resources that you obviously covet, so back off.” Then he might get it. Not for sale. Ticked Off When Pierre Poilievre uses the phrase, “Common sense conservatives,” I don’t think he was referring to the Alberta conservatives who wasted almost $100 million of taxpayer money on a contract with DynaLife for lab services they couldn’t provide. Tickled Pink Kudos to Dr. Deb Jena for the brilliantly written letter of March 13! If only our politicians had the same sort of vision instead of the constant inter-party bickering, this country would be so much better off. Ticked Off You really need to read product packages thoroughly as prepared by a company in Alberta, but fine print says product of U.S. Ticked Off Oh, the Alberta government wants to allow kids as young as 12 to shoot guns without grownups present. What could possibly go wrong? Tickled Pink I think reducing traffic lanes on Kingsway is a great idea. Our city should be designed for people, not vehicles. Reducing the number of lanes will make the area safer for pedestrians and so much more appealing. Let’s have more trails, more trees, more green spaces – and less asphalt. We don’t need every street to be a drag strip for monster trucks. Ticked Off Fleeced again. Carney has not eliminated carbon tax. He has stated he will increase carbon pricing on heavy emitters and bring in carbon border pricing (tariffs) on items he deems do not to meet his carbon standards. These are not retaliatory tariffs but are new tariffs and hidden taxes. Ticked Off I thought Trudeau was the “uhhh” master when speaking, but Carney is making him look like a word master. Tickled Pink At the well deserved kings Coronation Medal being presented to a most deserving Ron Sakamoto. Ticked Off I travelled with my wife in Australia and New Zealand; once they realized we were Canadian several expressed that felt sorry for us because we had U.S. as our neighbours. I am now realizing what they meant. Too bad we can not pick our neighbours. Tickled Pink Thank you to Couns. Sharps and McGrogan and Mayor Clark for standing up for citizens and holding administration accountable on their expenditures and transparency. This is taxpayer dollars. Tickled Pink If Mark Carney can beat Kim Campbell for shortest term as prime minister. The record stands at five months. Ticked Off Premier Ford’s threat to Trump regarding surcharge on electricity did have the desired effect and is still on the table. He showed Trump that he would not back down and Trump said he respected that. Ford and Eby are the only premiers willing to stand up to Trump. Ticked Off The answer to tariffs is not reciprocal tariffs, it is to do nothing. When we figure out what products are still exported, we then put an export tax on those. That way we do not penalize our own citizens. Ticked Off At our MP’s sad math skills. I calculated the federal carbon tax at under 15% of our utility bill; not the over half he said. It is also only applied to gas. Service and delivery charges however, comprise 41% of the gas bill. I, for one, will miss that sweet cheque every quarter. Ticked Off What does it say about democracy when an MLA gets thrown out of caucus for standing up for their constituents, no doubt a promise made when they were elected? Tickled Pink Sure glad I didn’t buy an electric car like all the lefties wanted me to a few months ago. Now they would be vandalizing it. Way to destroy the market. 55