March 27th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, March 11, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 11, 2025.

Ticked Off

Ticked off that at the Townhall with our two MLA’s on there were four, presumably armed, guards standing on either side of the stage staring at the audience for the entire 90 minutes. Is our premier so afraid of her constituents that she needs that big a presence to protect her? What’s she afraid of? That we won’t sit quietly and accept her lies?

Tickled Pink

Nice to see the street sweepers out. Now please don’t re-apply a bunch of sand when we get that one day of snow later this Spring.

Ticked Off

Why can’t you people who keep asking for more money to be put into our health care system understand that it doesn’t work. We have been doing that for years and years. We need change to fix the system, not more money.

Tickled Pink

Glad that we’ve heard something from our MP Mr. Motz on the recent issues regarding the tariff trade war. Unfortunately it’s just taken from the conservative propaganda machine…to take a line from the movie Good Will Hunting, “do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter?” Your constituents (your employer) would most likely value this approach. I also think many of us are wondering, ‘what have you done for us lately?’

Ticked Off

Unfortunately, in the world we live in not all parents have the luxury of staying home with their children all day and for a lot of people, childcare is essential. That doesn’t make them any worse as parents. It’s abhorrent that some people feel the need to shame others for needing additional help and support. I think that robust childcare services are a sign of a healthy society. It takes a village to raise a child, as they say.

Tickled Pink

At the editor for always putting out good comments, even the ones I disagree with. Reading through all the submissions must be similar to being a crime scene investigator. There are some things you just can’t unsee/read.

Ticked Off

Raising your own children doesn’t make you a helicopter parent. Being too paranoid to ever use childcare and thinking you need to “sacrifice everything” to avoid it makes you a helicopter parent.

Ticked Off

I’m noticing that Daniel Smith is tougher on Trudeau than Trump.

Tickled Pink

Well written article in support of MH Stampede funding. You’ve hit the nail on the head for sure!

Ticked Off

I agree with Mr. Thomson that the Exhibition & Stampede is an integral part of our community, holding events that support our rural-urban traditions. Why, then, is there no funding for the Better Living exhibits? No advertising, late rule book publications, impossible-to-navigate online info and schedule. Is it any wonder the exhibits were so paltry last year? People are proud of their gardens and canning and baking and crafting. Make Better Living great again!

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink that the cities working hard on the pothole situation. But it would be nice to get the street sweepers going. It’s been dustier than ever all over town.

Ticked Off

Have you noticed that smoking is mentioned as a warning on various movies/tv shows? Do you know why, smokers directly/indirectly affect the health of all humans and other species via second to fourth-hand smoke. Smokers know this but simply do not care. I have a dream that one day families will not have to witness family members suffer the horrific battle with a smoking related illness, like many members of my family have.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with local grocery with bin full of tomatoes marked Big Marble but price sign says from Mexico. Big Marble is local, we should be promoting local.

Tickled Pink

To understand why there are those consistent +/- 10 per cent News pollsters that regardless of the questions, are forever indifferent?

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith and her UCP have been crippling AHS and are now under serious investigation by RCMP on CoruptCare for abuse, misuse and fraud. Yet she wishes to put ownership of hospitals and health centres currently under AHS into her Alberta Infrastructure? Another ridiculous idea in effort to redirect, deflect and distract from bigger issues and priorities a responsible Premier should act on.

Tickled Pink

Thrilled to see our Alberta Premier standing up again for Alberta. She will not let the Liberals use us as a scapegoat in the tariff negotiations. She will NOT let the government drain another $40B out of the Alberta residents pocket to be used in Eastern Canada.

Ticked Off

I was watching outside my window today while a tree service company from Des Moines, Iowa was pruning the evergreens along my street. I’m sure there are local companies here in The Hat more than adequately equipped to provide this service. Why on earth is a U.S. based company doing contract work for Medicine Hat.

Tickled Pink

As a birthday present a “friend” gave me a box of kroffles. OMG are they ever yummy. I did not need to know about this delicious bakery “friend”

Ticked Off

If you going to reconfigure a high collision area, downtown certainly wouldn’t be my first choice.

Tickled Pink

To see the Canadian flag being reclaimed by patriotic Canadians from the fringe anti-vaxxers who tried to make it theirs. “I am Canadian” is completely lost on Smith and Poilievre.

Ticked Off

Not sure how to feel about all the Canadian born hockey players from the Florida Panthers who went to the White House knowing about all the crap Trump is doing to Canada.

Tickled Pink

With the ‘Heritage in the Hat’ columns. Fascinating learning about our pas, how we grew. Learning about buildings we see all the time and the long standing role they have played. How we did things different.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith’s response to Trump’s tariffs is cowardly. You cannot appease this man. Alberta’s response should be to add a tax to oil exports. He understands increases to American gasoline prices. We should make them pay for this ridiculous trade war.

Ticked Off

The UPC’s decision to cut $49 million from the AISH budget and for what? To give tax breaks to oil companies? It wont even cover a handful of CEO bonuses that it’s offsetting. This is called taking it off the backs of the poor. Sounds very Trump-ish.

Ticked Off

About the time shift again. What does it take to stop this ridiculous nonsensical clock change? There are still 24 hours in a day what difference does it make to anybody about what time the sun rises or sets?

Ticked Off

Here we are at another unnecessary time change. Will the powers that be ever recognize this fact. You cannot gain or lose time, only mess with the clock to disrupt our lives.

Tickled Pink

Maybe the sign of healthy society is taking care of the children that are our future. All of our precious children deserve all the help we ca afford.

Ticked Off

Is there any shoe store in Medicine Hat that actually know the needs of a person’s foot rather than just selling shoes off the shelf?

Tickled Pink

We live an an age of abundance but I fear for our descendants. I read Alberta’s oil supply will last only 200 years or so. What then? Who cares, let’s party.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith should realize she is guilty until proved innocent of corruption in the health care scandal. She was actively involved in the reorganization of health services. How could she not have known?

Ticked Off

Alberta’ s Premier Smith’s solution to health care is to take away CPP so all the seniors leave the province. No more seniors, no more problems.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith is taking another trip down to Florida at the expense of her constituents to attend a gala hosted by PragerU. They describe themselves as, “an educational media platform dedicated to promoting pro-American values”.

Ticked Off

That our premier is attending a gala in southern Florida as a guest speaker. The group she is speaking to want to annex Canada. When was she given this mandate? She calls herself a team player, yet the other premiers are focused on Canadian sovereignty. Looking for another job, premier? Worried that the investigation to awarding AHC contracts to higher priced, private medical facilities, at taxpayer expense, will be confirmed?

Tickled Pink

Enjoying a great coffee and conversation with my friend today and suddenly hear a name I recognize being dragged into a conversation behind us. I’m sure it was a relative of nasty gal who was being negative and nasty. No amount of Botox is going to make her own ugliness better so I guess that’s karma.

Ticked Off

Fresh soup being made daily for the homeless and needy not by any local establishments who regularly ask for donations but by ladies in or community paying out of their own pocket. Where’s all the food bank resources and why are they not helping. Lord knows we the community are forever donating.

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15 days ago

I’m betting there are about 20 anti-Conservative submitters to this column, over and over with totally illogical submissions. People, you are in the minority and you’ll remain the minority with your senseless submissions. Should be renamed, “I’m ticked off if you’re not tickled left”.