March 27th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, March 6, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 6, 2025.

Tickled Pink

I have decided I am going to save the world all by myself, but first I need a quick nap.

Ticked Off

Donald Trump does not understand tariffs. We should just let him impose them and see what happens. We may not be affected as much as the Americans. It is a tax on them, not us. Let inflation rain on them.

Tickled Pink

With Medicine Hat Musical Theatre’s “The Play That Goes Wrong.” Outstanding acting, voices, comedic timing and sets with stunning moving props. The crowd never stopped laughing or shrieking in surprise. Stunning.

Ticked Off

Canada exported annually 3.2 million tons of aluminum to the U.S. However, recently the U.S. signed an agreement to invest $15 billion for two million tons of Russian aluminum annually. And here I used to know who our allies were.

Ticked Off

Amazing how all these windmill projects keep going up yet none of the community really benefits from having to look at these atrocities. Nature provided us with beauty, and now this? Let’s face it, it’s outdated technology anyways. These projects should all require a vote from everyone in the community to be approved.

Ticked Off

Very unsettling to see storefronts downtown with windows completely destroyed. It doesn’t look or feel safe. Very sad for the businesses that are victimized.

Tickled Pink

That JD Vance was met with protestors getting off his holiday plane in Vermont.

Ticked Off

Gretzky, please stay in the States, you are not welcome here and have already demonstrated you don’t want to be here. Bye bye.

Tickled Pink

Pleased to see that UCP members Scott Sinclair and Peter Guthrie are standing up against Danielle Smith. Those are the kind of conservatives I would vote for. Hopefully local UCP Justin Wright will see the light.

Ticked Off

We’ve actually always been the 51st state because y’all use American spelling and grammar even though the British Monarch is our Head of State.

Tickled Pink

I just spent six days in the Medicine Hat Regional Hospital on 4-West and would like to say the food was fine and the doctors, nurses and the rest of the staff were all great. They were all friendly and helpful. I sure have no complaints about anyone whether it was for medical assistance or just a friendly little chat. Made my stay not so hard to take. Thank you to all on 4-West.

Tickled Pink

With “Rovers Riddle Room,” a dog-friendly mystery room by Re-bark of True North K9. We had a lot of fun. Very creative activity to bring to the Hat. Family coming down from Edmonton just for a go.

Tickled Pink

Regardless what your opinion is on childcare, surely the sign of a healthy society is not more childcare. Should a government not do their best to empower families to raise their own kids? Direct funding that way? And as far as the socialization of children goes, human beings seemed to survive and perhaps even thrive long before childcare was an option. Also, playdates.

Ticked Off

It’s past time to stop pussy-footing around. Offering a rational response to irrational behaviour is completely unproductive. The Donald and the nation that elected him need a true dose of reality. Donald is operating in his own insane view of the world and it’s past time to wake him up, both domestically and internationally.

Ticked Off

It seems abundantly clear the UCP is systematically trying to destroy AHS so people will jump for joy at the prospect of getting better service from private providers. Her objective seems clear, she wants a private health care system. Now is the time to put a stop to it before it is too late.

Tickled Pink

The more I look for Canadian made quality the more I am finding!

Tickled Pink

Amused by the post stating “Thanks to President Trump, I get nonstop entertainment reading the Letters to The Editor from all ‘political experts’ who feel compelled to share their ‘great knowledge,’ with us all. What a bunch of whack jobs!” What a very insightful and articulate post. I guess you really showed them the error of their ways and opinions.

Ticked Off

I agree with the post about how great our local health-care staff is. The downfall is the government doesn’t provide either adequate funding to have the staff needed to provide timely service, or adequate facilities or equipment to allow the staff to be able to continue to provide the excellent service they are capable of. Properly fund the public system instead of trying to privatize health care.

Tickled Pink

Ahh, how refreshing it is to hear that people think raising their own children in being a helicopter parent. We’ve come so far.

Tickled Pink

If someone would tell me what exactly Mr. Trump is a convicted felon of. Where did you get this info from so I can read it for myself? (Editor’s note: Yeah, we’re doomed.)

Tickled Pink

Thank God that Donald Trump was elected president. He is destined to solve all of the world’s problems. God be with us.

Ticked Off

I’m disappointed with the comment in today’s News that countervailing tariffs on imported frac sand will harm the oil and gas industry. Here in Alberta we have domestic frac sand producers, why are gas producers not sourcing locally? Sounds like some would rather whine than spend a little time researching domestic alternatives.

Tickled Pink

Smith finally on board and supporting the federal government’s response regarding tariffs. She must be realizing she looked like an idiot to the rest of Canadian instead of just Alberta.

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