By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 4, 2025.
Ticked Off At Gavin McKenna’s three-game suspension. For what? This Edmonton Oil Kings team needs an overhaul. The players get away with way too much. Has the WHL taken a good look at what they’ve gotten away with? Teddy Bear Toss game – purposely run into our goalie, twice, and then tomahawk McKenna across the leg. Not one penalty. Anyone else see a problem with this? Ticked Off Apparently with the G7 coming to Alberta in a few months, it’s unknown if Donald Trump will be attending. He’s a convicted felon, why would he be allowed to enter Canada? He wants better border control. It’s great border control by not letting him in to Canada. Ticked Off At the person who would “sacrifice everything” to never put their child in childcare. It’s disgusting that people like you think it’s OK to shame mothers. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with having your child in childcare, and I would even argue that it’s good for children to socialize and learn with other kids their age. Your comment makes you sound like a paranoid helicopter parent more than anything else. Tickled Pink If city council presented a motion calling on the City of Medicine Hat to oppose all coal mining development at Grassy Mountain on the eastern slopes of the Rockies. Doing so will demonstrate to citizens they want to protect our vital water quality and supply from the South Saskatchewan River. The City of Lethbridge is doing this and we need to as well. Tickled Pink With the nice lady who bought my husband and I tickets at last Sunday’s Cub’s game. She did so for others as well. In a world where you can choose to be anything, she chose to be kind. It was much appreciated. Ticked Off At the number of pigeons around Dr. Ken Sauer School. The school was built with solar panels, however they did not instal bird guards. It is now a pigeon coop up there, and the feathers and waste around the school are disgusting and unhealthy. Solar panel bird guards need to be installed for the safety of the children and neighbourhood. There are so many pigeons that they are now moving onto rooftops of adjacent residences. Ticked Off To suggest that people who use daycare don’t care about their children is not only insulting but ignorant. Young families often need two incomes to make ends meet. Daycares employ workers at minimum wage and our government should be willing to partially fund enterprises so necessary to our society. Ticked Off I used to think Alberta was a rich province but it seems to be unwilling or unable to fund health care, education, daycare, CUPE, municipalities, etc., without conflict. Are they preoccupied with graft? Tickled Pink If Cassie Hider doesn’t run for re-election. On the upcoming task force on “social disorder” her comments that the city council will not run the task force or have much input shows how much she and city council are out of touch with our community. It’s your city, Ms. Hider. You and your council cohorts damn well better have a lot of input. The fall election can’t come soon enough. Ticked Off I hope city council is getting its act together and will file for intervenor status about the coal mines in the Rockies. Tickled Pink While watching the Tournament of Hearts, I thoroughly enjoyed the Sponge Towel ad that showed a single sheet emptying an entire swimming pool. Ticked Off That the UCP paid almost double the cost for surgeries to private clinics than what they would have cost if performed in the public system. Had that money been used to expand the public system we would now have that additional capacity, but instead the money is gone and is lining the pockets of the private clinics, and the public system is still no better off. Ticked Off It is unfortunate Wayne Gretzky is heartbroken about criticism of his patriotism. Even if you set aside his association with Trump, who wants to crush Canada economically so he can have access to our resources, the fact that he went to the U.S. players bench and gave them the thumbs up and didn’t even acknowledge the Canadian team, at least from what I saw, is what has most people so upset. Did he really expect Canadians to be happy when he was clearly favouring the U.S. team? Ticked Off Seems Alberta’s economy depends on the price of oil. How do other provinces cope? Ticked Off Alberta sends al our natural resources elsewhere and then brings back finished products. I think the province should concentrate on making finished products here and then exporting them. Ticked Off About the stands at the Stampede grounds. They’re getting so rundown and I’m tired of seeing people stumble and fall, especially the elderly. The steps are not very good at all. I hope they get the funding. They need to fix that because it’s a great facility. Tickled Pink I like my digital copy of the MH News, except for days when an entire section hasn’t been uploaded. Ticked Off Oh wow, Canada Coal Ltd. was fined $9,000 for polluting the Alberta Smokey River with 1.1 million litres of toxic mine contaminated tailings. Do you think the company will start a GoFundMe page to help pay the fine, if its not a tax write off? Tickled Pink Insightful and accurate Letters to the Editor by Ben Moffatt and Tim Rooke in the Feb. 27 edition of the News. If only their wise words influenced the Trump administration. Tickled Pink Trump says Pierre Poilievre is not MAGA, which is code that Poilievre is MAGA. Can’t trick us, Donald. Tickled Pink Thanks to President Trump, I get nonstop entertainment reading the Letters to The Editor from all “political experts” who feel compelled to share their “great knowledge” with us all. What a bunch of whack jobs! Ticked Off Putin must be laughing his butt off knowing he’s got the orange clown in his pocket. Tickled Pink Appreciation to our wonderful AHS professionals & clerical staff at the Medicine Hat Hospital. I have had to undergo multiple tests at the hospital in respiratory and nuclear medicine over the last few months. All the specialists, technicians and clerical people have been professional, caring and provide exceptional service. They just don’t get enough recognition for all their hard work and caring. Ticked Off So booing the American national anthem is disrespectful. I agree, but what do you call referring to our prime minister as a governor and constantly saying that Canada should become the 51st state? I call it disrespectful. Ticked Off People call Wayne Gretzky a hero. Heroes help people, not push gambling on children. Tickled Pink Amused watching UCP contort itself to defend internal corruption and incompetence. Very entertaining. Tickled Pink All dynasties, such as the Mongol, Roman, Ottoman empires, eventually fail. I believe the beginning of the end for the U.S. empire has begun. MAGA is the cause. Ticked Off To read in a paper in a recent poll that Quebecers are more supportive of Canadian unity than Albertans. Shameful for Albertans. 57