By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 27, 2025.
Tickled Pink Have to laugh at these liberals saying the premier is investigating herself. Where were the protests when the prime minister has employed his buddies to investigate him for the past 10 years? Tickled Pink The irony of someone blaming the UCP for not valuing children because they aren’t supporting childcare workers in the way this person would like them to. Yet the person who wrote this seems to like the idea of outsourcing their parenting and not spending time raising their own kids. May I suggest it is you, not the government, who doesn’t value your children. I will make every sacrifice necessary to my standard of living before I would force myself to put my children in childcare. Ticked Off With the election of Donald Trump in the U.S. it looks like democracy as we have enjoyed could very likely be in jeopardy. It appears many Canadian conservatives are already in his pocket. He brags about his buddy Putin, and we all know what he’s done. Watch out, people, we’re in for a rough ride. Ticked Off Well the tariffs are apparently back on. So much for Premier Smith’s pipe dream that someone can negotiate or reason with an irrational person. The only thing a bully understands is someone standing up to him and not grovelling, which only shows your weakness and inspires him to be an even bigger bully. He has proved that time and again and yet people seem to expect this time we will be rational. Sorry, never going to happen. Ticked Off For the handful f people who think Alberta, B.C. and Saskatchewan should separate and join the U.S., it would be easier for you just move to the U.S. if you really want to live under the rule of a wannabe dictator and an irrational person that doesn’t even know himself what he will do from day to day. Ticked Off For all those people who think living in the U.S. would be great, next time you get sick rush down to Great Falls and go to their emergency room. Then when you get back, please let us know how much you owe in medical bills. Ticked Off Now that there is a convicted felon dictator fully installed in our neighbour to the south, does the U.S. House or Senate have any function at all? All these Presidential orders have not been ratified by any elected body in the U.S. Is this a democracy or a demagogy in the U.S? Ticked Off That a local school with nearly 300 students has a small fence-in playground but no field to run and play. Research has proven that exercise is crucial for children’s mental health. Tickled Pink To see Conservatives federally shaking in their boots during the changes of a leader. Tickled Pink We have got our mail in Crescent Heights since the strike was over. Tickled Pink To point out that the majority of people who don’t want a witch hunt are usually afraid someone will find out where they have hidden their witches. Tickled Pink I am so happy Donald Trump believes he is King of America, because we all know what happens to the king when his subjects and subordinates get tired of crappy ruler. Ticked Off You want to vote for a former banker? Are you crazy? Have you looked at the interest rate on your credit cards? Ticked Off While I appreciate the laborious effort to post warnings about our slippery condo parking lot, and to use at our own risk (worried about a potential lawsuit?); why don’t you actually do something about it? Ticked Off We continue to fail at solving our own domestic trade war. Canada has never had “free trade” within our own borders, much to the detriment of our own economy. Canadians have ignored this for decades, but are now up in arms over policy decisions being made by the U.S. When will Canadians stop looking at the world through their glass belly buttons? Tickled Pink I’m thoroughly amused at how the Canadian media and low-information idiots who believe the nonsense of the former, really believe Trump wants Canada as the 51st state. He took a social media swipe at Trudeau. That’s it. Let it go already. Ticked Off Maybe someone should ask Elon Musk to list five things he has accomplished at Tesla in the last week or get fired. Ticked Off That Gregory Cote gets so many conservative-bashing letters printed. One can support different parties but one does not have to assume the worst of another’s view. (Editor’s note: You’re most welcome to write a letter to the editor as well.) Tickled Pink If you could explain how the same premier who was against government mandated masks and vaccines to protect all of us during a pandemic is now for forced mandatory drug treatment. Ticked Off Our politicians running to Washington to try to get Trump not to put on tariffs, saying they don’t know what he wants. Well, what he wants is Canada be his 51st state. He’s a deranged individual, and when he gets an idiotic thought in his head that’s all he wants. Canada, find other trading partners, remove inter-provincial trade barriers and let Canada be Canada. Eh! Tickled Pink Glad the city has handed off direct involvement in the carbon sequestration hub. It was very high risk, as most subsurface geologic ventures are, and by looking at the lack of success of similar projects (most notably the taxpayer funded Shell Quest project in northern Alberta) it was no place for a municipal government to be. Ticked Off Poilievre’s claim that Canada is broken is another right wing utterance with no proof (“I said it so it is true”). He has never put up much evidence, because it is untrue. If it was true we would all be much worse off. Tickled Pink Soon I will be able to join my husband with some of his fun activities, as I turned 60! I’ve been waiting for this since I was 40. Ticked Off For all those supposedly smart people saying “well, just move to the States then” – it’s a very hard thing to do, legally. You are showing your ignorance by making it sound simple. Tickled Pink Congrats to ex-minister Peter Guthrie for the courage to stand up to the UCP. Now, if only Minister Brian Jean would stand up against coal mining in the Rocky Mountains, he knows that coal mining is harmful to the environment. Ticked Off I read Danielle Smith wants pre-submitted questions for the next town hall, questions from the floor “time permitting.” I’m sure when she interviewed guests in her previous radio show that she provided questions in advance. I think not. Ticked Off That one minister in our premier’s cabinet has recognized the misguided attempt by her to hide fraud at AHS. Since I reside in her constituency, maybe a recall petition might awaken the realization that not all Albertans approve of her funnelling taxpayer money to UCP donors. 55