By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 25, 2025.
Tickled Pink Was looking for a gym that had great daytime options other than senior programming close to my Northside home, found one that offers a wide selection like cardio-kickboxing, metcon and strength, plus has childminding in monthly prices. Awesome challenging workouts! Ticked Off I’m disappointed with City Hall which has gotten so off track due to (grandstanding from in house). Important issues have went by the wayside, ie – Mustard Seed. Get it together, will you? Unfortunately it’s been displayed that the focus of not dealing with the problem internally has cost taxpayers their dignity, as mistreatment in council chambers is just the tip of the iceberg. Ticked Off The actions of bylaw/policy flouters have a negative impact on us all. Please consider that. Tickled Pink If someone explained how adding more Canadian border guards helps the U.S? Guards check what’s coming in, not what’s leaving. And an illegal immigrant isn’t illegal until they cross into the U.S., and then they’d be out of a Canadian border guard’s jurisdiction. I’m confused. Ticked Off With the Grassy Mountain mining debacle going on with foreign investors, do we really want Americans buying up the helium fields in Canada? Tickled Pink By the editor’s response to the TO post about booing the U.S. anthem. I agree with their remarks completely. Ticked Off What I meant by, “if the tables were turned” is if they booed our national anthem, people would be having a fit. Nothing more than that. But I see Trump hurt your feelings. This was just a hockey game, nothing more than that. Big game of course. However; having said that, I would come out swinging if my anthem was booed. Would you? (Editor’s note: Sure, but they weren’t booing the anthem over a hockey game, were they? The only way to discuss turned tables is by addressing why they booed. I won’t repeat the whole thing again, but no, if Canada did all those things to another nation that Trump is attempting to do here, I would not ‘come out swinging.’ You seem to understand fighting for the song, but you can’t seem to comprehend that those people are concerned about the sovereignty behind it.) Ticked Off My Blue Cross in April is going up 35 per cent. How are Albertans supposed to pay for medical? That’s almost $800 a year increase. Time to get rid of our Alberta leaders before we lose everything. Ticked Off You can’t walk into professional offices (lawyer, accountant, financial adviser) without an appointment. Same thing applies at the bank. Showing up and demanding to be seen right away has to stop. This is nothing new, so call ahead or go online and make an appointment. This requires you to plan ahead. Stop throwing an adult temper tantrum when you don’t get your way. Tickled Pink That our national anthem has the prayer: God keep our land, glorious and free. Prayed by millions all across the land every time they sing it. No worries about a dictatorship here. Tickled Pink About the new words to O Canada “… true patriot love, that only us command!” Tickled Pink The new council coming in later this year is very fortunate they have a team of municipal governance experts within city administration to lead them in the right direction. Tickled Pink Love what Donald Trump and Elon Musk are doing for the States. Need it in Canada to find some of the corruption going on here. Ticked Off At the whining for attention on social media. Show some consideration for others (both who you are talking about and who reads it). Tickled Pink If the criminally accused handled wrongdoing like the government. Investigate themselves and report to their organization. If they agree then they will turn it over to the police for their information. This is not great for the victim of crime but it should cut policing and court costs by at least half. Tickled Pink That in 1941, Franklin D Roosevelt’s quote sadly reflects today on Trump and Musk, “We must especially be aware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American Eagle in order to feather their own nests.” Tickled Pink By the support for Karen’s Purple Shirt Party. It’s great to see the great support for a very worthwhile cause. Good to see the kids so involved. Keep that spirit throughout your lives. Good job! Tickled Pink So happy diplomacy is not left to the idiots who disparage Danielle Smith in this stupid column. We’d be even worse off than having Trudeau on the world stage. If that’s even possible? Tickled Pink A huge thank-you to all the nurses working labour and delivery and the NICU at the Medicine Hat hospital. As first-time parents to a preemie, your endless support and dedicated care to our baby has helped us through this emotional and scary time. You’ve all really found your calling and we couldn’t be more grateful. Tickled Pink Seeing again major cities suffering from major water breaks that Medicine Hat continues to be proactive about infrastructure monitoring and upgrades that will hopefully protect us from a major break happening here. Ticked Off I think we should be worrying more about why lately there has been so many recalls on food products. Not to mention why our produce is mostly rotten. Tickled Pink Went to MHMT last night to take in the performance of The Play That Goes Wrong. Absolutely hilarious, reminds me of the Carol Burnett skits. We have excellent talent in this city. Not just the actors but everyone involved. Thank you for a great time. Ticked Off Sure disappointed to see Wayne Gretzky turn his back on Canada and give the thumbs up to the U.S. hockey team. 47