March 27th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Feb. 13, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 13, 2025.

Tickled Pink

The layout editor again has revealed how unhinged and biased he is in his recent opinion piece. Unfortunately only the people that submit, and get censored, know how many people support our premier.

Tickled Pink

That Canada has enough freedom that the crazies who want to be Americans can be heard. I wonder if Americans who’d like to be Canadian will be heard. Maybe a trade is in order.

Tickled Pink

When I can order directly from a Canadian company instead of using Amazon. Amazon takes a chunk of the money when you order through them. Order direct where you can.

Ticked Off

Trump is a bully and seems to want to dominate like another tyrant did.

Ticked Off

We are not getting $50,000 a year out of our mayor, let alone $144,000.

Tickled Pink

That it’s the time of year for law-abiding Canadian citizens to begin getting dialed into their personal income tax situations. For anyone who pays attention, this presents just one of many opportunities to clearly visualize how much hard-earned cash we dole out for free health care.

Ticked Off

At the person who thinks “renuable” energy can’t be carbon neutral. Yes, renewable energy has a carbon footprint to build and maintain, but the clean energy it produces over its life is what offsets it to become carbon neutral over time. A quick google search shows that most solar panels become carbon neutral within three years. Those are the facts, so it doesn’t really matter what you think.

Ticked Off

If Canada became the 51st state, as it would mean Alberta would have even less control over its own destiny. But it might be nice if Alberta (and maybe Saskatchewan and northern B.C.) became a state. Anybody who doesn’t like that could move to southern B.C. or Ontario.

Ticked Off

To answer ticked-off submission of Feb. 11 that indicated Danielle Smith is the only reason we got a 30-day reprieve from Trump’s tariffs. Unfortunately his promises are much like Smith’s promise to fix health care in 90 days; bull defecation.

Tickled Pink

There’s nothing any one of you can do to prevent the U.S. from taking over Canada if they want to, either economically or by military. You can buy your few items “made in Canada” that are actually made somewhere else if it makes you feel like you’re winning.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith may be getting like Mr. Trump – unable or unwilling to see her own ‘wrongdoings.’ Or, for that matter, recognizing wrong from right. How be our society as a whole strive for much more integrity in all things.

Ticked Off

We have such an incompetent federal government. Is laughable to say we are a free country.

Tickled Pink

Made my day when looking at the naysayers about Scott Schmidt’s opinion piece. It was an opinion. If one is brave enough, please submit your own opinion piece (which does include having your name disclosed) and we can all then provide our feedback via TOTP. Just putting it out there.

Ticked Off

Let me get this straight. If we haven’t farmers and ranchers to feed us, you are going to eat a teacher. I got ya.

Tickled Pink

We are not and never have been a sovereign state. Educate yourself. Start by reading the Statute of Westminster (1931).

Ticked Off

Waiting for opposition leader Pierre Poilievre to act, but he continues blasting others’ efforts while we hear crickets on solutions of his own. Quit criticizing others and provide responsible alternatives of your own. Canada needs viable goals and strong leadership in dealing with our southern neighbour. And I can’t see him at the helm doing that.

Ticked Off

Recently, by chance, I ran into a group of friends having coffee, so I joined them. Conversation turned into Stampede Board request for millions of dollars. Several in group said they had submitted TP/TO to the News opposed to the refunding, and the submissions weren’t printed. Has the MH News sided with Stampede Board by not submitting opposition to the refunding? (Editor’s note: Literally the only comments or letters that have been printed on the subject have been in opposition to the city providing funding. We don’t run everybody’s comments, but that doesn’t make you or your friends the main characters in a conspiracy movie.)

Tickled Pink

Danielle Smith’s vehement denial of any wrongdoing is reflective of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Ticked Off

The UCP government has ousted the entire board of Alberta Health Services for the second time since Danielle Smith became premier, and her second in command was in on it. What is to hide? This smells bad. Smith should resign.

Tickled Pink

If Canada would allow industry within Canada to flow freely between provinces. Eliminate the internal trade barriers within Canada.

Ticked Off

That a president would attend any function that the taxpayer had to fund at the cost they spent for Trump to attend the Super Bowl. The president should have had the decency to not attend, but then his big ego thinks he deserves all that security and attention.

Ticked Off

Twenty-one per cent of 1,306 “voters” in the recent Medicine Hat News poll want Canada to become the 51st state. Move south where you will “enjoy” what Trump is doing!

Tickled Pink

Ken Pirie hit the nail in the head. I’m surprised and ticked his letter got printed. Good work, Ken!

Ticked Off

Mr. Pirie’s half-baked rebuttal to Mr. Schmidt’s article on Saturday can simply be boiled down to, “You’re wrong! I’m right!” It’s fine that you disagree, but maybe consider providing some counter points other than “I know more about politics than you!” If you’re going to accuse someone of misrepresenting facts, then tell us the facts. Unfortunately for you, we can all see and hear Danielle Smith for ourselves.

Ticked Off

That Mr. Pirie, in his letter to the editor, did not provide examples that display his deep knowledge of the workings of government and of politics. Nor did he offer any facts to counter the editor’s “erroneous and misleading offshoots.” All you did sir, was display your arrogance.

Ticked Off

Credit to a well articulated letter by Mr. Pirie. However, he gave no credentials to support his knowledge of politics or gov’t. Further he offered no clarifications or facts in rebuttal; which proved his own predisposed political character. For those reasons, I found his unsubstantiated bias and name calling, contemptible.

Ticked Off

It always makes me chuckle when people use “woke” as a put-down. Would they like people to be the opposite? Asleep or dozy or unaware, or maybe in the dark. There is nothing wrong with being woke, but maybe the alternatives.

Tickled Pink

With Ken Pirie’s commentary in today’s paper. I agree 100%. Wokeism and DEI are dead. Scott Schmidt didn’t get the memo. Reveals the idiot that you are Scott Schmidt, now that all the other premiers are following in Danielle Smith’s footsteps.

Ticked Off

Like many right wing people, the rant in Wednesday’s MHN against Schmidt’s editorial showed a lot of anger without any substance. He said he knew politics, but had no proof. He believes if he said it, it is true. I am surprised such drivel was printed.

Ticked Off

Putin annexed Crimean in 2014 and wants more of Ukraine. Trump wants to annex Canada. Two peas in a pod.

Ticked Off

A couple months ago, if you were a nationalist, you were bad and people wanted you to leave the country. Now, if you are aren’t a nationalist, you are bad and people want you to leave the country. What a timeline we live in! (Editor’s note: Psst. That’s not what people mean by nationalist. OK, good talk.)

Ticked Off

Strike, strike, strike, doesn’t anyone want to work anymore. You do know that if you don’t like your job, you can always quit and find a different job.

Ticked Off

How is it that Scott Schmidt can write the F*** Trudeau party and get it printed, and you won’t print my Trump the Rump comments?

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