March 14th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 23, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 23, 2025.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the compassionate volunteers of Bunny Run Rabbit Rescue that dedicate countless hours feeding and rescuing (often in extreme weather conditions) the abandoned rabbits around Medicine Hat. They’ve recently put out a plea for new foster homes, if at all curious about what fostering involves, please contact them. Not many people have experienced how social, intelligent and easy to litter train, rabbits are.

Ticked Off

Some one in management has to do something about the concession at the Co-op Place. Too many inconsistencies, cold items when they are to be hot, coffee that tastes like warm water, no hot chocolate a lot of the time. The waiting time and who gets the order next, no one knows. The problem seems to be getting worse with the increased fan base. There could be more money made and happy customers. Please do something.

Tickled Pink

I’m a Canadian first and then an Albertan not like some others in our province.

Ticked Off

Totally Ticked off that the U.S. could elect a convicted felon, who should be in jail convicted of insurrection, the President of the United States. Hold on to your hats we are in for a rough ride over the next four year, or even longer.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink to hear that trade between Canada and the U.S. the last four years has increased 30 per cent. Things will change the next four years.

Ticked Off

With the man who wants to be Prime Minister. His silence as the country worries about President Trump speaks volumes. This is the man you want leading us? Professional politicians are just that, a professional who just wants to be elected and be called PM. At least the NDP leader has come out to call Mr. Trump a bully. I hope the voters realize this.

Tickled Pink

I plan on avoiding buying U.S. products if tariffs are implemented. I buy lots of Canadian-made products already, just need to step it up.

Ticked Off

Why would the now former President of the U.S. pardon people on his last day if they are supposedly innocent? The very term pardon is for someone who committed a crime.

Ticked Off

What’s the plan for Down Town this spring and summer. There must be some digging or should we say re-digging to be done.

Tickled Pink

Went to the blood lab last week. 15 people ahead of me at 7 a.m., was done by 7:30 a.m. Very happy with the service. With all the complainers, maybe you are the problem.

Ticked Off

That Elon Musk gave the Nazi salute twice at Donald Trump’s inauguration. Go watch the footage yourself, it’s undeniable. This is the type of people Danielle Smith is aligning herself with. Her choice to alienate herself from the 12 other Premiers and the Prime Minister is absolutely treasonous. Conservatives should be absolutely ashamed. Some of us will never forget the horrors of WWII.

Tickled Pink

That we can always count on the same lovely people to check our house and shovel our walks while we are away. We are always grateful and happy to return the favour any time!

Ticked Off

Ticked off with our Premier and blaming Ottawa on every little thing. Albertans are tired of it. Time for an election now. Then we can vote in someone who cares for all taxpayers not just your fringe groupies.

Tickled Pink

With excellent indoor and outdoor facilities we can play pickleball year-round.

Ticked Off

If cursing at someone who reports bylaw infractions makes you feel better, then go for it. It will not deter me from making this a better place to live for us all. Your blasphemous outburst says more about your lack of character than mine. Besides, my parents were legally married, so I am not one of the words you called me.

Tickled Pink

I would be Tickled Pink if our City officials would consider the use of the former Arena for a homeless shelter. It’s on a bus route and in a central location. We all need to help to shelter those in our community that are less fortunate. Perhaps the local service clubs could get on board too. This could be a very positive local effort and we certainly need to find some positivity these days.

Ticked Off

Why do voters believe conservative government never raises taxes. Yearly camping prices increase.

Tickled Pink

Danielle Smith’s “common sense” approach to having face to face discussions with Trump, emphasizing our common economic collaborations and a commitment to securing Trudeau’s non-existent border security.

Ticked Off

Person writes in to TOTP to say ‘tired of hate culture”, then writes an essay on those they hate.

Ticked Pink

Tickled if folks would realize the U.S. tariffs on everything, means Canada will enjoy herds of U.S. shoppers (personal and internet) paying less here for stuff, in order to bypass the tariffs.

Ticked Off

After the inauguration ceremony of U.S. President Trump, it was nauseating having to listen to Justin Trudeau’s pathetic response. Can’t wait until his final exit.

Tickled Pink

That my parents love each other and continue to have a healthy marriage. I didn’t realize how much of a blessing that was until I was older and see the dysfunction that comes from broken homes. Not that children can’t overcome coming from a broken home, but I believe much of the breakdown in our society is because families are not healthy and some parents sacrifice their children on the altar of their selfishness.

Ticked Off

By this countries short sighted vision of making cross country pipelines impossible, to sell energy world wide. We are now held captive to an idiot South of the 49th parallel while still importing oil from jurisdictions that don’t have the same environmental safeguards as our oil patch.

Ticked Off

Shameful that the United States has become a oligarchy, ruled only by the richest individuals that are only concerned about becoming richer.

Ticked Off

I would like to know who conducted the survey regarding Alberta liking the idea of becoming part of the U.S. I wonder how many of the people were members of the UCP party. Maybe that is why I never got called. And where are the MLA’s? Doesn’t anyone have a backbone to stand up to Smith and her crazy ideas? Shame on all of you and can’t wait for next election.

Ticked Off

Maybe start treating Canada like a country instead of the Provinces being separate entities. would get a lot further if we could deal East to West in Canada.

Ticked Off

At the uninformed among us who choose not to recognize the value and importance of diplomacy. Albertans need our provincial leadership to establish and maintain a presence with the new administration in the United States, especially given the obvious lack of stability and questionable credibility right now at the federal level in Canada.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at the guy who doesn’t know that there are three entrance ways into the back elly. You just drive by the front all the time just to snoop at others and figuring out there business. We’re not stupid.

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