March 15th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 21, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 21, 2025.

Ticked Off

To see that permits used to go up single digits every year, now they have implemented a 30 per cent increase.

Tickled Pink

Great news the city planning committee voted against the Mustard Seed request. I don’t even live near the Flats, but totally understand the residents very serious concerns.

Ticked Off

That Alberta had the highest number of people who indicated they would be happy with Canada becoming part of the USA…nearly 20 per cent in a recent poll. Shame on all of you and particularly on the Premier who seems to be on board with this opinion with her refusal to support the rest of the country in their attempts to form a cohesive, united front.

Tickled Pink

To see our Premier park her ego long enough to defend our country. If you are not part of the solution to defend Canada then you are the problem. This is bigger than Alberta Ms.Smith, get on the team and be a team player for a change.

Ticked Off

Are we, the Alberta taxpayers paying for our premiers trip to Washington? Must be fun to travel and stay in first class hotels when you’re not paying. Lots of people here are one missing paycheque away from disaster, but partying with the elite is a good excuse to travel on our credit card.

Tickled Pink

Cheers to Danielle Smith for taking a stand and putting Alberta first. We’re sick and tired of our energy business being targeted or in the latest case wanting to use it as a bargaining tool against U.S. tariffs.

Ticked Off

So, our premier has time to go to Florida to hob-nob with the new president, then travel to Washington for the inauguration, but can’t find time in Ottawa to help save Canada. What kind of person did we elect? I guess we’ll be saluting the Stars and Stripes if she has her way!

Ticked Off

What is wrong with Alberta Premier Smith? Is she Canadian or American. I want to see her birth certificate.

Ticked Off

Why do I only have one bar on my 5G network, needing to use the Wi-Fi connection?

Otherwise, calls do not get through to me or drop when I am calling others. We need more and better cell tower coverage. Step up, those responsible. We deserve the same service as other areas in the province.

Tickled Pink

To all the people constantly writing in and saying they can’t get a lab appointment without a wait, this may ruin this secret but go on a Saturday. I took my grandma there not knowing this (with an appointment), and the staff, as well as other people in line who were walk ins informed me that Saturday is a slow day, where all the other day are crazy busy. She was in and out within 10 minutes.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith’s refusal to sign the Canadian agreement between premiers is very disappointing. I agree that we are Canadians first and Smith does not feel that way. Oil is not Alberta’s it is Canada’s.

Tickled Pink

I do not need a big fancy gym with equipment spread out from one end to another. I don’t want cardio machines way over here and weights in another location. I want a gym that allows me to workout efficiently.

Ticked Off

With the online cruelty directed to city staff. Enough already. These are people trying to do their best. The anger is out of control.

Ticked Off

That fast food places are more concerned with Skip the Dishes customers than the customers who make the trip to their business and are standing right in front of them.

Having to wait 30 minutes for a hamburger is ridiculous. Next time I will walk out instead of giving you my hard earned money that doesn’t respect the in store customer.

Ticked Off

Not sure who owns The Arena, but couldn’t that be converted into a multi purpose shelter with male and female wings? It has the washrooms, showers and food prep areas? Spend some money and fix this homeless problem.

Ticked Off

In large families, individual members were allowed to build and pursue self interests yet when financial, health or other concerns arose, the family unit was priority so that all could prosper. A self-entitled, spoiled Premier Danielle Smith does not take precedence over being a Canadian when under threat and duress by our southern neighbour.

Ticked Off

Ticked off a reader complain about lefties working at the MHN. Obviously u not open to other info whether it’s orange/blue/red. Grow up and buckle up, your mental health is more important than name calling.

Tickled Pink

Freeland just wasted $350,000. Why would anyone vote for the person controlling the purse strings for the last how many years and creating the disaster we are in?

Ticked Off

In a 1989 interview with Bob Woodward, Trump stated “If you fold, it causes you much more trouble than it’s worth.” You become a “mark”. Has Alberta become a “mark” and will Trump now ask for a further discount on our oil?

Ticked Off

That the concrete where I park in the driveway and the road slush drips off the vehicle, has turned to mush. The concrete is rotting away. Wished I’d know I’d have parked on the street.

Tickled Pink

Would be if the people who think that Canada becoming a state is such a good idea, moved south. Give up your citizenship, healthcare benefits, government pensions and become a true gun-toting, red neck Trump lover and wear your MAGA hat with pride.

Ticked Off

Tired of all the hate culture. It’s 2025, women should have rights over their own body and people should be able to think freely. Also, since when did these right wingers suddenly love Russia (the government), what happened to “damn Commies?” Furthermore, does anyone see the irony of these so called “Freedom” slogan people voting and promoting people who seek to take away people’s freedoms?

Tickled Pink

A huge thank you to the Medicine Hat hospital emergency department team. What a wonderful bunch of humans. We are lucky to have you! Hope you know just how much you are appreciated!

Ticked Off

Parking behind a garage in the alley still means you need to park completely within your property.

Tickled Pink

Thanks so much to the gentleman who walks Herald Drive and 12 St NW removing snow. Much appreciated, may only good things come your way.

Ticked Off

City talked about Brier Run years ago, whatever happened to that development? There is more to Medicine Hat then the south side.

Ticked Off

Ticked off by people who drive up on the sidewalk to make an Illegal u-turn in the middle of the block and pack down the freshly fallen snow instead of driving a few feet further to the end of the block where there is sufficient room to make a legal u-turn without driving onto the sidewalk and packing down the snow.

Ticked Off

That every time I have a service done I get a, ‘how did we do,’ request form to fill out. How about it’s your job and I already paid you. Don’t be sending these out because they’re ridiculous.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with city council raising the fees for downtown businesses. They have put up with the construction for a couple of years and need time to recuperate. If city keeps on with this there will soon be no downtown, only empty store fronts. We want our downtown to thrive but city actions will cause the opposite.

Tickled Pink

Wishing that our education system was more like Japan’s. They have no formal testing or academic grading until Grade 4. In kindergarten they are taught to be respectful, independent, display positive behaviour and learn basic life skills. There are no janitors in their schools as the children are taught to work in teams to clean at the end of each day.

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