February 15th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Jan. 14, 2025

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 14, 2025.

Ticked Off

The Trump clown show is here. Is he going to be the North American Putin? All his bluster is just that – bluster. He gets off on making these stupid statements just to see if he can get a rise from people. I hope Ford turns off the lights on this clown.

Tickled Pink

With Mansoor Ladha’s Open Letter. I am a Canadian and proud to be one.

Ticked Off

Of all things Trump wants the most from Canada is the water, including the soon-to-be-coal-polluted water from the Crowsnest Pass coal mines.

Ticked Off

That any teacher would think it a waste of time to spend 30 minutes of quality one-on-one time with a new kindergarten student to help find out what their individual needs might be over the next vital school years.

Ticked Off

We don’t need to waste more time and money doing additional testing in literacy and numeracy in our schools. The teachers are very aware of the abilities of their students. We need to invest in hiring more people to help the students who are behind in their skills.

Tickled Pink

So, would it be acceptable seeing flags on vehicles resinating the same distaste for our local city hall as Trudeau?

Ticked Off

Most of TO/TP these days are just liberals and conservatives both of which can’t get off of social media posting about how the other side is too stupid to see why they’re right. Get over yourself.

Ticked Off

Trudeau “resigns” and all of a sudden the government-supported media is turning on him and saying with all his scandals he should have been gone in 2018. Come late to the party much?

Ticked Off

To the person who suggested Danielle Smith works for the oil companies. Of course she does. That’s where her supporters are. She doesn’t give a hoot about teachers, health-care workers, low-income people or the homeless.

Tickled Pink

I enjoy reading Bruce Penton’s no-nonsense articles. He is definitely a man of common sense. Keep them coming. Colin Gallant writes good articles, too.

Ticked Off

Justin Trudeau resigned, he did not “get fired.” There is a difference. I would still take Trudeau on his worst day over Pierre Pollievre on his best. Poilievre will try to wreck Canada the same way Danielle Smith is trying to wreck Alberta. Liberals, please choose a new leader carefully so we do not end up with another UCP.

Ticked Off

We have a policy in my building that owners are required to remove snow from their assigned parking stall. Some residents pay out of pocket to have this done by a contractor. Kudos to them. Then there are those who do nothing, thus creating an unsafe parking lot. The board and management company take no action in the way of enforcement/consequences. Less work for them I guess.

Ticked Off

As soon as Alberta’s government went back conservative, rent skyrocketed, insurance went way up, utilities, tuition, property tax (through cutting municipal funding) and practically everything else costs more, too. Not to mention turning the health-care system into pure chaos.

Ticked Off

Ever notice that the news is always about price increases? Maybe take notice and realize the effect of creating so many government jobs. It makes everything we do more work.

Ticked Off

That you can call Conservatives radical. Question: How far left are you? Probably Communist?

Tickled Pink

With the situation of bathrooms downtown, why not put in porta-potties?

Ticked Off

Why are we giving Trump front stage? Let’s stop listening to or discussing the verbal diarrhea that comes out of his mouth. He is a bully trying to intimidate. The less media coverage he gets the better the whole world will be.

Tickled Pink

I would think the old food bank (which is for sale) should be considered for a location for the Mustard Seed.

Ticked Off

Smith made a lot of promises when looking to be elected in this area. Over promised and under delivered seems to be what we got. When you elect someone who doesn’t live in the region, you get nothing.

Ticked Off

When people steal your ideas and take credit for them. Pathetic. (Editor’s note: Hey! I was gonna say that!)

Ticked Off

I find it disturbing that a Canadian hero like Wayne Gretzky would be in commercials encouraging people to gamble. He has lost all of his hero status. What a bad influence and big disappointment. Shame.

Tickled Pink

To find a new gym that is clean and has more than two treadmills.

Tickled Pink

If Dennis Egert ran for mayor in the next civic election.

Ticked Off

Seriously, are people young old and in between that dense that they think getting a carbon cheque from none other than Trudeau, is a big gift? You have spent a lot more than that on every day needs. Unless of course you don’t leave your home or eat. Good grief! (Editor’s note: It’s not going to ruin my household’s life one way or the other, but this is objectively false. And it’s not exactly scholarly either to assume when they axe the tax, and the rebate goes away, that prices are going to go down when you leave your house. But in your defence, we’re going to find out who saves what and how much, because the CPC is assuredly going to be the next government, and both the tax and the rebate will be gone.)

Tickled Pink

Would be if council starts to wake up to administration. We have lost a lot of very talented local employees from the city.

Tickled Pink

The city has named the snow equipment. Taylor Drift and Sir Sandsalot have done a great job working to keep our streets safe. Good job!

Ticked Off

To see key Black Hat Gang member appointed to Medicine Hat municipal planning commission.

Ticked Off

Glad to see MLAs voted themselves a raise. Amazing how fast they did that, but the tax cut promised will be coming soon, I’m sure.

Tickled Pink

I would be if other government leaders besides John Chretien and Elizabeth May would be loud about Canada being bullied regarding our sovereignty and how we run our own country. Stop being quiet when others are rude to Canadians and our choices. Standing firm against belligerence is admirable. Come on ‘leaders,’ let me hear you.

Tickled Pink

With our premier’s efforts to get through the thick skull of Donald Trump. Her approach is probably about as best as what can be done in this situation. Good luck, Premier, you’re going to need it.

Ticked Off

That people did not remove ice lumps from sidewalks during the thaw. I have a corner lot and cleared all sidewalks easily. There is no excuse, and they should be fined.

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