March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 29, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 29, 2024.

Ticked Off

The very early morning sounds these pumped-up vehicles make are definitely not music to anyone’s ears. Why not drive by a coffee shop so the police can hear you, too?

Tickled Pink

I have researched “Take Back Alberta” – it’s you left/woke individuals who need to wake up. Free speech. Deal with it.

Tickled Pink

At what the engineering department has done to Division Avenue. Pickup trucks and cars can still turn onto and off Division Avenue, but they now have to do it much more slowly and carefully than before. The purpose of the narrowing is working beautifully to slow our traffic down. Thank you, city engineers.

Tickled Pink

Narrowing of roads? I’m for it. My cars all have a good turning radius. Maybe making our sidewalks wider will promote more humans to be active and bike/walk/rollerblade/skateboard/scooter to their destinations. Let’s get more people moving and becoming healthier.

Tickled Pink

Renewable energy investment is not lost, only delayed. These same projects will be back on the table soon. There is money to be made and these are business people. Maybe you don’t understand.

Tickled Pink

With the staff filling in on CHAT News for the anchor while he is away.

Ticked Off

Neighbours who leave their dogs outside while they are away. The one off Scholten Hill barks constantly from early morning until the owners return in late afternoon. Please show consideration for neighbours who have to listen to this all day.

Tickled Pink

With the lady who hands out the knitted butterflies. I have several of them, and when I tell her that she insists I take another. What a sweet, simple way to spread love and joy.

Tickled Pink

I would be if it’s true that I’ll get back more from the carbon tax than I paid in. If it is true, where’s the money coming from to pay me? I think it came from my own pocket in the first place. (Editor’s note: The good news is, if the first half of your comment comes true, the second half, by definition, can’t be.)

Ticked Off

How much did Invest MH cost the city? Another hidden, dirty little secret at city hall. It’s the who’s who clause.

Ticked Off

The only time you hear from Coun. Cassie Hider is when she bashes and blames the mayor for everything. We did not vote you in to become another follower of past practices. What happened to transparency?

Tickled Pink

That Division Avenue has been designed by individuals who have dedicated their lives to studying the highest and most cutting edge standards in traffic engineering. If you’re having difficulties making that turn without going up onto the sidewalk or incoming lane; you’re the problem.

Ticked Off

My neighbour’s trailer sat on the driveway since July, but it’s finally moved. I’d like to see the neighbourhood lawns and flowers, but too bad they’re gone already.

Tickled Pink

The MHPS Halloween safety segment on CHAT News was very well done, charming and had all kinds of important safety information. Well done.

Ticked Off

After flagrantly spending $7 million in taxpayer money, the present UCP government has decided to cut the earnings of our hard working pharmacists. Why? Another hit to our health care services. We deserve better.

Ticked Off

Of course Prime Minister Trudeau will not be stepping down. He still has numerous summits to attend. While he is gone he leaves the running of Canada to his minions.

Ticked Off

Was walking downtown yesterday when I saw a deer that was obviously suffering with it’s eye popped out of it’s socket, I was going to put it out of it’s misery but, according to city ordinance. I’m not allowed to use a pump-action rifle to snipe a suffering animal from 50 yards away to give it the sweet release of death. We should really get that changed.

Ticked Off

To the person who keeps stealing the Medicine Hat newspaper from the little bakery downtown, please stop. The paper is for others to read, not for you to steal.

Tickled Pink

With our little tour on the Haunted Trolley! Our facilitator put together a really good show with some local folklore!

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith is a prime example of why the party should not determine the leader of the province. The populous should be able to vote for candidates, and candidates should have to have a suitable resume.

Tickled Pink

Thanks to the person who posted, “What a treat for kids and families attending the fun, educational and engaging Praxis Science Olympics at the MHC Compliments to all, you did a great job,” and the Medicine Hat News for reporting on the event.

Ticked Off

I’ve been reading about Division Avenue S. here and thought I’d see for myself. Man, it is bananas. Totally impractical.

Ticked Off

The Alberta legislature will continue its theme of making unnecessary changes in the fall sitting. We deserve better.

Ticked Off

Coats on the Bridge should be retitled Clothes on the Bridge as people require more than coats to stay warm. (Editor’s note: It’s Coats on Finlay, and it has for years accepted all types of winter clothing. It’s been pretty widely reported.)

Ticked Off

With daylight saving time this weekend. All this disruption to our lives, and most studies show that clocks going back an hour has a minimal impact on conserving energy.

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