March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 22, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 22, 2024.

Ticked Off

A friend asked how to get printed in this section, I said it’s easy. You just criticize our wonderful premier or common sense conservatives, and the far left TO/TP editor will print you every time. (Editor’s note: Literally no one has ever written into this section criticizing “common-sense conservatives.” Tell you what, send in a “common-sense” comment, make sure to mention it’s you, and we’ll test your theory.)

Ticked Off

That removing the sea-cans is to control vandalism and drug paraphernalia. Then we should close up the parks as well. They cost money to maintain.

Ticked Off

Traffic calming? Small turning lanes slow people down, but they also create congestion making it more dangerous. Try turning right on Fifth Avenue SE and Sixth Street in icy conditions. It’s the same nonsense turning right off Division Avenue on Third Street to downtown. Are they sure this design was done by someone who actually drives or lives here?

Ticked Off

That tax dollars are used without care or concern for the taxpayer. Our premier spends $7 million on ads. Let the oil companies spend their dollars. But this is not the first time ads have been run to promote the views of the few in power.

Tickled Pink

Recognizing the health-care providers at MHRH, long-term care homes and EMS. Often forgotten, these health professionals also provide compassionate palliative and hospice care within the community of Medicine Hat. No one facility has cornered the market in this specialized area. Thank you to all health-care employees.

Ticked Off

At how narrow the street corners were made connecting the new Division Avenue S. Eleventh and 12th streets are particularly narrow. What were the city planners thinking? They will surely have to widen them.

Tickled Pink

Would be if the city would heed the following: Sea-can alley turned into a location for Mustard Seed/homeless shelter. A win-win for all and out of a residential area, which is crucial.

Ticked Off

Interesting reading the person happy they got back double carbon tax rebate than they paid. You have to realize everything we touch is affected by carbon tax and is among the reasons our groceries are through the roof.

Tickled Pink

Tom Rooke, thank you for saying it so well in your letter in Thursday’s paper. I’m happy that you can put words together like that.

Tickled Pink

Love how our premier makes people on the socialist spectrum’s heads explode. Same people who have Trump Derangement Syndrome now can now have SDS. Sorry, but at least half of citizens support both. You’re only affecting your own sanity. (Editor’s note: Socialism is an economic system where the workers own the means of production. I don’t think too many Albertans are on a spectrum about it.)

Ticked Off

South Country Village is a great place to be in the fall with the beautiful golden trees and wonderful staff to help us.

Tickled Pink

If Premier Smith would start doing the job she was elected to do and stop blaming others for her lack of leadership. You were elected to be the premier of Alberta, not the PM of Canada.

Tickled Pink

That the Liberal propaganda is working. To the person who thinks they only pay carbon tax on their utilities. Actually, you pay carbon tax on many products (groceries, gas, medication, list goes on and on) that is built into the pricing structure and charged back to you, the consumer.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to all the wonderful local artisans, crafters, business and individuals who have donated to Bunny Run’s “Warming Up To Winter Online Pre-Christmas Auction.” Their fantastic donations can be viewed and bid on, on Bunny Run Rabbit Rescue’s Facebook page until Oct. 26. Thank you to our amazing supporters, we would not be able to help as many abandoned domestic bunnies as we do, without all of you and your kindness.

Ticked Off

Glen Motz’s latest news letter suggests the carbon tax will cost the average worker $6,700 per year. This is a lie. By my estimate, it doesn’t cost me anything. Glen, just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Explain yourself.

Ticked Off

I am not a fan of Trudeau but Pierre Poilievre is poisonous to this country. How can we support a leader who doesn’t want to be informed of secret information vital to our security?

Tickled Pink

Pumpkins are an excellent source of nutrition and should be eaten. MH News should have an article on pumpkin recipes. (Editor’s note: FINE!)

Ticked Off

Have you ever noticed that when the left makes its point, it always has to be very loud because it usually doesn’t make sense?

Ticked Off

When property is zoned for single-family homes it should not be changed to multi-family homes.

Ticked Off

Tin-can alley was one big waste of money. City needs to look at that area just for parking or utilize the area for markets with tent structures only.

Ticked Off

I don’t wish diabetes on anyone, but unfortunately Danielle Smith and the UCP do not understand the benefits of pharmacare for those who do have it.

Ticked Off

Don’t blame the News or other media outlets for running UCP propaganda. It’s a free speech thing. Newspapers are obligated to publish paid messages as long as it isn’t blatant hate speech. Telling lies about the federal government, or even their own actions, is not hate speech.

Ticked Off

Why is there no bypass on the Trans-Canada Highway going through Medicine Hat? It’s ridiculous.

Ticked Off

At the state of health care in Alberta. It’s time to get involved, public health care will not survive if we become silent and complacent.

Ticked Off

The Memorial Cup committee better be working on arranging efficient flights to YXH. Unless the strategy is to make the other teams die of boredom on a three-hour bus trip from Calgary.

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