March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 17, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 17, 2024.

Tickled Pink

About an act of kindness done for me and my family. When we needed an emergency rug cleaning, a very dynamic man showed up at my house 10 minutes after my call. Also, he was on his weekend off. We really appreciated his extra effort to help us. Thank you very much.

Tickled Pink

If the one who rides a tall bike got off his high horse. Had some respect at one point but it’s quickly eroding.

Tickled Pink

Still smiling when I cross the small bridge at the bottom of Dunmore Road. No train tracks and a nice smooth pave job. Thanks, work crews.

Ticked Off

The two-page ad from the Alberta government criticizing the non existent “production cap” on energy. There is no energy production cap and never has been one. Why can the government outright lie to the public, and why does the News (I know you need the money) run this? Blatant false advertising. (Editor’s note: It’s not even as simple as needing the money, though obviously all media does these days. The newsroom doesn’t handle ads in any way, but I do know it was booked weeks in advance and no one in the News building gets to see those ads until they arrive the day they print. We don’t get to know what they want to advertise when they buy the space. People think it’s as easy as an editor seeing misinformation and choosing to kill the ads. But I have less than zero authority to do such a thing.)

Ticked Off

I’d love for Poilievre to explain how the Conservatives are going to implement mandatory drug treatment for kids and prisoners, meanwhile all the people who actually want treatment aren’t able to get it. After you’ve axed the taxes and slashed our health-care funding, who exactly is gonna pay for all this?

Tickled Pink

That my trailer in my front yard would keep you from purchasing the house beside me. Wow, I am so lucky I have that trailer to keep such a petty person from living beside me. Please stay where you are and don’t make other happy people miserable with your negativity.

Tickled Pink

Kudos to the Black Hat Gang for pushing the Alberta Bill of Rights.

Ticked Off

If, as the full two-page ad by our UCP declares, “Alberta is a leader in responsible energy production and emissions reduction,” then they would not be looking at coal mining on our eastern slopes.

Tickled Pink

I would be if Premier Danielle Quixote in Edmonton would put down her sword. They are just wind turbines, generating clean power for Albertans, and only harm those who profit from generating CO2-releasing fuels. Solar farms are equally harmless.

Ticked Off

Really Ticked that our provincial government spends our dollars promoting their anti-federalist views with two full pages.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith must not drive on the highways much, she has not learned to stay in her own lane.

Tickled Pink

I just received my carbon tax rebate. It made me wonder how much I had paid on my utilities in the last year. So I went online through a year of my utility bills and added it up. I paid $198.76 in carbon tax, so this rebate was about double that.

Tickled Pink

We did our full yard cleanup yesterday. Man, it was beautiful out there! It’s hard to take out perfectly good annuals but it was nice to get it done in a T-shirt.

Tickled Pink

I just read an article in the News about a used Halloween costume swap. What an excellent idea! I don’t think we have one here, but we can certainly donate to the Y store downtown where the post used to be. It will help families, and save money and our environment by having less waste.

Ticked Off

I’m so tired of our premier and her merry band of thieves (MLAs) destroying our province. Do your jobs; health care is a disaster and we have the lowest funding per student in the country, but some how targeting trans youths seems to be your priority.

Ticked Off

If Albertans will have $419 less per month to spend due to an energy production cap, as presented by the UCP in their two page advertisement, how much did the UCP take away from citizens by not fulfilling their 2023 election promise to reduce provincial income taxes?

Ticked Off

Ready to cancel my Medicine Hat News subscription. Because I am right leaning, none of my opinions get printed in ticked off. I shouldn’t be surprised cause we know who donates to your cause. (Editor’s note: Hard to know for sure I suppose, but something tells me we ignore your submissions for a different reason than just ‘right leaning.’)

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