February 5th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 3, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 3, 2024.

Ticked Off

Ticked off we have been told and lied to obviously. Richest province but tied for the lowest minimum wage in Canada. I can just hear all newcomers leaving and heading East again. So many election promises and lies, lies, lies.

Ticked Off

My husband and I decided to move to Alberta from P.E.I a few months ago. We liked Medicine Hat and settled here. We subscribed to this newspaper. Reading this column every week, I can’t believe the amount of miserable people complaining about everything. Live somewhere else for a while and you’ll see your provincial government is the envy of the rest of the country.

Tickled Pink

I for one am absolutely thrilled with the Division Ave renovations. The narrower road, pattern concrete boulevards and beautiful winding pathway makes the whole street so much nicer and inviting. Everyone complaining that it makes driving more difficult – good! You’re driving in a neighbourhood, not down a drag strip. Slow down, and yield to pedestrians.

Ticked Off

The Pentagon and NORAD respond to Danielle Smith, “Nope, we’re not spraying chemicals over Alberta.” What next, Bigfoot?

Ticked Off

I have written in this forum in the past about my fellow condo owners not paying their fees. This is getting old neighbours. I am fed up being the responsible one having lived here 27 and a half years. Pay up or be named and shamed.

Tickled Pink

I agree with the TO post relating to the upgrades to Division Ave South. I don’t mind the new path but don’t think we needed to narrow the street to install about 6 or 8 feet of bricks between the street and path. I also agree with the street being that narrow, it is difficult turning right off of a side street without crossing into the incoming traffic lane. This after all is a main drag and not a seldom used side street.

Ticked Off

At how anyone could think unions are ruining this country. This country is first and foremost made up of people. People should have their basic rights met as workers, period. I commend all workers that go on strike, for fighting for human rights and a living wage. I don’t think profitability should ever come before human rights.

Ticked Off

Ticked Off that the city doesn’t want the audit to include financial. If we are going to open up for constructive feedback, we need the audit including financial. Let’s face it, there’s nothing to hide. If a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

Ticked Off

At those who think our city finances need to a be audited with the council audit. The financials are audited every year by an outside accounting company. What’s the point of having it done again?

Ticked Off

Britain just closed its last coal-fired power plant, while the Alberta Energy Regulator and our Premier are pushing to approve coal mining in the Rockies, by a foreign company. Its embarrassing how backwards the UCP government is.

Ticked Off

Ticked off my public school taxes are been used for private and chartered schools. It’s my family’s choice where our tax dollars go. Stay in your lane Premier. Folks that can afford outside of public open their cheque books and plastic cards.

Ticked Off

At the person who thinks we shouldn’t park our trailers on our own driveway. Having RV parking is actually a great selling feature for a house.

Ticked Off

Our Alberta government, the government of unnecessary changes, wants a return to manual ballot counting. What better way to fix an election? Make the procedure as complicated as possible. Computers are more efficient.

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