February 5th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 1, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 1, 2024.

Ticked Off

I have gone through the new roundabouts and we do need them, if people use them properly. You are to put your left signal light on when entering, then your right blinker when exiting. But did the city think about how low the concrete is in the middle? In the winter I guarantee people will be driving straight through, wrecking their cars.

Tickled Pink

It is encouraging that others are annoyed by the high volume of the announcing and music at Tigers hockey games. Apparently the people in charge must believe that this silliness will make a difference in the outcome. Hopefully with time they will figure out the game played.

Ticked Off

Groceries are scanned by a machine that reads UPC codes and comes up with an accurate total of your purchase. A machine reads your bank card and spits out the amount of money requested and yet according to our provincial gov’t, “If you talk to Albertans, you will find a number of them don’t have faith in machine counting ballots.” I see the political propaganda so rampant in the U.S., has filtered into Canada.

Tickled Pink

I absolutely love the Toronto Blue Jays new black uniforms. They look fabulous.

Ticked Off

Ticked off that UCP members need to pay for a ticket to the November AGM, plus gas and hotel and meals, in order to vote on the leadership review, governance, and policies. It’s 2025, post-pandemic, and virtual options are certainly available. At a time when things are already extremely expensive Premier Smith and her party are limiting their own members’ rights and abilities to be part of important decisions. No wonder people call the UCP the party for the elite and wealthy Albertans only.

Tickled Pink

Thank you Glen for all your hard work and voluntary help around the condo. As I sit in the early mornings, drinking coffee on my balcony I see the difference on the entrance way and surrounding area. You are sorely missed.

Tickled Pink

Love the commercials Mr. Poilievre! Bring it home! You’re not referring to your $300,000 pension, are you? Even more than Justin! Another professional politician, who never worked a 9-5 job, but wants more than everyone else!

Ticked Off

To the person who wrote in “seems the pool delay at Big Marble Go Centre was unnecessary.” Well since you’re so versed regarding pool renovations, maybe you should offer your services. That would be better help than complaining about it.

Tickled Pink

Kudos to the City of Medicine Hat for their forward thinking in incorporating Safe Active Transportation into the revitalization of Division Avenue South. Hopefully we will see more of this moving forward…like maybe on Kingsway Avenue?

Ticked Off

Who cares how much it costs, hand counting ballots is the way to go.

Ticked Off

So disappointing to hear future voting results will now be tabulated manually and at greatly increased cost. Not surprising though to see the UCP again developing foolish solutions for problems that don’t exist.

Tickled Pink

Thank you City of Medicine Hat for making this cyclist’s bike ride to work so much better!

Ticked Off

Unions are ruining this country. Every week a different group goes on strike, and brings the country to a standstill. I feel for the farmers who are always caught with nowhere to turn and no help for them. Never been a union member, and would never want to be!

Tickled Pink

With Dr. Gifford-Jones write up “when push comes to shove in health care”. Absolutely truthful and informative as to where our health dollars should be going. Was just so thankful that this was written so people can understand what is going on and possibly how to fix the problem.

Ticked Off

At local contractors who say they’re going to show up then don’t, not even a call. Shop local, what a joke.

(Editors note: Surely one company’s mistake represents all local companies.)

Tickled Pink

So happy to know the Piikani Nation and southern Alberta ranchers continue to actively oppose the Grassy Mountain coal mining project. Would be happier if Danielle Smith and UCP would realize that this coal mining is not wanted or needed.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with the arrogant federal opposition party and their shenanigans towards Canadian taxpayers. Pathetic.

Tickled Pink

TP that Lethbridge Polytechnic is doing research in assessing the ethics and morals of police candidates. Hopefully a method can be found to test candidates during the application process.

Ticked Off

With division avenue renovations. A great big wide road narrowed so tight. Intersections pinched with bulbous sidewalk extension. 12th st SW and division vehicles cannot make the turn and avoid the curb without crossing one centre line.

Ticked Off

That City Councillors are requesting a non-financial audit. HUH? Isn’t the purpose of an audit to inspect and assess finances?

Ticked Off

Bylaw needs to be updated for residential front driveways and parking of RV trailers indefinitely. If you want to use as shop storage than park your stuff down at Ogilvie. Its not a selling feature of neighborhoods.

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