February 5th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Sept. 24, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 24, 2024.

Ticked Off

What makes the upcoming Crowsnest Pass council’s vote concerning coal mining any more important than the rest of the province? The pollution of water and land extend way beyond their borders and jurisdiction.

Ticked Off

I appreciate CHL players attending international tournaments to improve their skills and development, but I am not pleased of the announcement of an addition CHL v. the U.S.’s NTDP series. Too many of these tournaments/series remove players from their home teams, which I pay to attend specifically to watch these top players.

Ticked Off

To read Premier Smith’s fancy words about “developing a capital pilot program to incentivize the creation of new independent school student spaces.” The province should not be funding more private schools that only rich people will be able to afford.

Ticked Off

What planet is the person on who said there is no progress on cures for cancer? Talk to someone who has been told treatments are working and has positive tests results. The money on research is well spent. Have you donated any?

Ticked Off

If we eliminated the carbon tax, you would not be relying on socialist handouts to supplement your income. Become productive, do your research and ask questions. (Editor’s note: Socialism is an economic system where the workers own the means of production. It is not a code word for giveaways. While you’re researching, maybe pick up a dictionary.)

Tickled Pink

With Gail Lawrence’s submission on Solar Saamis. Let us keep this operation in the spotlight. It’s great for Medicine Hat.

Ticked Off

If you like solar so much, get your own on your house. Reduces the city production and makes you feel good about yourself. No need to get all of us involved in this boondoggle.

Ticked Off

That Medicine Hat is the most unprogressive city in Alberta. I was born and raised in the Hat and was basically forced to leave due to lack of opportunity. Hatters want all the perks of a progressive city but do absolutely nothing to earn them. It’s sad to see the current state of affairs in Medicine Hat.

Ticked Off

Blaming behavioural issues in students on the lack of support in classrooms I think misses the point. The answer to all our problems can’t be “throw money at it.” We need to take ownership for our kids and parent them better. Teach them to respect authority. Let them be free to play away from screens and trust them to do so. But we need to stop assuming the problem is “out there,” and look at how we can be a part of the solution.

Ticked Off

Four to seven hour waits in the emergency. Is it too many patients and not enough doctors, or is it just not enough doctors for the few patients there are. Either way it is ridiculous and unacceptable.

Tickled Pink

If the mayor and the whole city council would resign effect immediately and we could elect new leadership that can work together.

Ticked Off

It seems like Medicine Hat has only two seasons, winter and construction season. I understand the work has to be done but it matters not how you go somewhere, you run into a construction zone.

Tickled Pink

To the elderly gentleman who picks up all the acorns from the street in front of his house on Fourth Avenue, thank you.

Ticked Off

Watching city council and related meetings is akin to poking one’s eye and repeating. Insane, but I suppose one only has to look south…

Ticked Off

Medicine Hat Public Library is not having its fall book sale. Many readers are disappointed as they enjoy getting books for Christmas.

Tickled Pink

At the responsiveness of the city’s electrical department. All it took was one phone call about an electrical line in danger due to tree growth and the city sent out an inspector. Within days, they had the line moved to a safer location and even trimmed the trees to reduce the future hazard. Thank you!

Ticked Off

At the many Ross Glen area homeowners who appear eager to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to neglecting the condition of their properties. Why should we have to walk on the road because weeds that grow through fences obstruct the sidewalks? It seems pride of ownership has skipped a generation.

Tickled Pink

It is great government acknowledged the need for money to be put toward the education system. The next step will be to put money toward hiring more Learning Assistants. With the increase in learning needs and behaviour needs in our classrooms, there needs to be more adults in the classroom to help support the needs.

Ticked Off

The UCP suggesting that Alberta pay for reclaiming abandoned oil and gas wells is just plain stupid, especially when those companies are not paying their tax bills. It’s time the UCP start playing hardball with these companies, and don’t worry if they leave, they will be back.

Ticked Off

The Canadian Medical Association apologized to Indigenous people, which was needed. Yet the Alberta government continues to use taxpayer funds to support Catholic health care. It’s like we have forgotten who ran residential schools.

Ticked Off

to those who don’t want Canadians to have the right to keep and bear arms just know that among other things we need these guns to protect us and our families if you trust the government to do so fine you do you but don’t come crying to me when the government wants to take everything wise from you as well including your wife! (Editor’s note: Running this unedited as an example for why maybe not everyone should have a gun. Ya know?)

Tickled Pink

If arena staff would lower the music/arena host’s mic. We are not deaf, but we will be by end of season.

Ticked Off

With the degrading nonsense name calling in public coming from just one government leader who is applying for PM. I wonder if he allows his two children to do this in the playground?

Tickled Pink

The city manager said they have to problem opening the closets up as they have nothing to hide, they are in fact experts in municipal government. It is important the province does a financial audit of the city to clear this once and for all.

Tickled Pink

For the newcomer from Hamilton. Welcome to our city. We are very fortunate here to have been given a platform by our newspaper to express our thanks for things done by others. Without Tickled Pink many of these acts would go unrecognized. We can also express our grievances – petty or not. Venting our feelings without confronting or offending anyone directly is a good thing. Oh, isn’t that what you just did, vent your feelings about us?

Ticked Off

That event organizers think it’s a good idea to close downtown streets. Businesses are complaining about loss of business during construction road closures, then you think it’s a good idea to add to that. Keep the streets open so people can access downtown business. We have plenty of beautiful parks to hold these events. Stop closing the streets.

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