March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Sept. 10, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 10, 2024.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith continues to come up with unnecessary changes that cost a lot of money for minimal gain. She should just fund the AHS properly and quit wasting everyone’s time. Resigning would be helpful.

Tickled Pink

Council, if there’s nothing to hide, if we really want to clear the air with the community, this should be a full audit, including finances.

Ticked Off

At the person who thinks pedestrians should wave and smile at the drivers who are kind enough to stop at a crosswalk and let them cross. While I appreciate you taking time out of your busy day to actually follow the law, generally when I cross the road I’m on the lookout for drivers who turn right or left without noticing I’m on the crosswalk, not to mention the ones who do stop and then crawl slowly forward to try and make me go faster.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink by the care the Home Care nurses provide. It’s a wonderful service and sure hope the government doesn’t mess it up like they have with some many things in the health care system. It isn’t broken, so don’t try to fix it.

Ticked Off

At the submission requesting eye contact and a thank you nod from pedestrians using pedestrian crosswalks. You’re not the main character of everyone else’s lives and nobody owes you pleasantries because you obeyed traffic laws.

Tickled Pink

Would be if there are some outstanding citizens out there willing to throw their hat into the ring for the next civic election. The way I see it, and will vote as such, many seats are up for grabs.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at people who hide or pretend they’re not at home but have the blinds open part way to sit there and snoop at neighbours, discussing their business.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink with the News’ coverage of the Paralympic Games 2024.

Ticked Off

Ticked off you can no longer track your package on Canada Post. All you get is when it leaves the starting point and when it is out for delivery.

Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink with Canada’s performance in the Paralympics. I am so glad I took the time to watch it and learn about the athletes and events.

Ticked Off

Ticked Off that my children are coming home from school sharing that they have to do a lot of work on computers because the schools have cut back on paper supply. Our kids should be allowed to do work on paper. They need to practice their writing skills, rather than being stuck on the computer.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink that the city of Medicine Hat is well served by a fleet of ambulances that operate out of the Regional Hospital. They do not advertise, market or promote themselves, but these professionals are there for us, 24 hrs a day, seven days a week.

Ticked Off

What a tragic event an 15-year-old girl in Saskatoon was subjected to. Mankind needs to visit what kind of message you’re giving off to have an outcome this devastating! Thats all of us, no one is exempt.

Tickled Pink

The City of Medicine Hat is very fortunate to have a City manager that is an expert in municipal government. Citizens need to be mindful of this and conduct them self in a meaningful and respectful way.

Ticked Off

The wait to get in to do blood work is radical. Lined up outside 10 to 20 people with appointments just to get in the door, is common. Was never like this before the UPC took over Alberta. Can’t wait for the next election to get her out and have an Alberta we can live with.

Tickled Pink

This old gal was Tickled Pink when a young man hopped out of his truck to return my grocery cart to the corral quite a distance from where I was parked. He returned my loonie and told me about the love he had for his own grandparents. I shall always remember his kindness!

Ticked Off

At people who water their lawns when it’s 35 outside. Maybe you should go on the internet and it will tell you when the best time to water is. If haven’t figured it out by now maybe living at a house isn’t the place for you.

Ticked Off

If former President Obama could walk and pick up after his dog Bo, why can’t you? It’s called responsible pet ownership people.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with trucks that don’t remove the hitch ball from their hitch. They stick out in the parking lots so far that they cause a hazard, especially four-door trucks. It takes two minutes to remove pin.

Ticked Off

The hanging baskets downtown are an embarrassment.

Ticked Off

At 7:00 pm two nights in a row, on NE Viterra trail, two young girls are riding a single electric bike going about 30 km/hr narrowly missing walkers and young children with parents on peddle bikes. No warning to anyone, travelling on both sides of the path, and not slowing down.

Ticked Off

At the person praising Russian Olives. No need to help it spread as it’s a considered a weed with no way to control it. It damages water ways (including city sewers), grazing and farming lands. But thanks for being part of the problem.

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6 months ago

The City of Medicine Hat is very fortunate to have a City manager that is an expert in municipal government. Citizens need to be mindful of this and conduct them self in a meaningful and respectful way.

Definition of an expert. A has been under pressure!!!!