March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Sept. 5, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 5, 2024.

Tickled Pink

If the mayor and every person on city council was voted out and replaced next election. We need municipal leaders who can work together and address the many pressing issues we have here in Medicine Hat.

Ticked Off

Danielle Smith chose to announce her plan to further disrupt AHS in Drayton Valley because she lives in that area. Has she been in Medicine Hat this summer? She doesn’t seem to care about this place.

Tinkled Pink

That the city is considering buying the Saamis Solar project. This shows courage and leadership. It would diversify our power generation. Solar combines very well with peak air conditioning demand in the summer.

Ticked Off

At the increasing number of Alberta licence plates with coloured plastic covers, or with the entire plate number scrubbed off to avoid photo radar. In the past week alone there have been five vehicles in front of me at lights. Our police services need a couple weeks each season to devote to this. Good luck if you have an accident with these vehicle owners.

Ticked Off

Great, more money down the black hole with the city’s new plan for solar. How quickly someone forgot about the $13-million loss on the “experiment” that was swept under the rug a just a few years ago. The experiment near the campground didn’t work then, so try to convince me (and my tax dollar) what is different now. (Editor’s note: No problem – solar thermal is not solar power. That’s what has always been different. The solar thermal project you say was swept under the rug was reported on extensively by both the city itself and the local media. The experiment you’re referring to was shut down after serving its purpose, which was a test by three levels of government on solar thermal technology. The News has clarified this countless times in the years since, and, it seems, will continue to do so well into the future.)

Tickled Pink

At all the beautiful Russian olive trees in this city. Sometimes I like to help them out by spreading their seeds around, or by planting more saplings in areas where there were none before.

Tickled Pink

That the government is trying to do something about the entirely inefficient monopoly of AHS. No, not all of us love our personal tax-funded disaster. And the vitriol against Covenant Health reinforces what supporters of AHS are really like.

Ticked Off

How much will it cost the taxpayers of our city to rewiden the new ‘user friendly’ Division Avenue S. improvement? This road has been narrowed to such an extent, I’m not sure two-lane traffic can happen after graders this winter create windrows of snow next to the curbs. Rather than design to better accommodate 10,000 vehicles per day, they reduce capacity.

Ticked Off

Found it rather humorous when my condo board printed in the newsletter that for curb appeal, all end-of-season flowers/plants should be cleaned up. Two folks on the board are the worst offenders.

Ticked Off

Maya Angelou said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Hopefully the mayor and city council rise above their personal emotions elicited by the recent lengthy dispute, not let them interfere with objectively moving forward with the civic business.

Tickled Pink

That someone bought the Assiniboia Inn and is contributing to reviving downtown. The sign was iconic but wasn’t neon, nor was it in great shape. I ask the ticked person – who should’ve been tasked with saving, cleaning and fixing it up?

Tickled Pink

Thank you, city manager, for demanding that our mayor apologize to the community and city staff. This shows true leadership, unlike the elected individual who was found to have breached the code of conduct.

Ticked Off

At Tuesday’s council meeting, the city manager put the mayor on the spot when she asked to speak after Clark apologized. She was antagonistic when she asked that the mayor expand her apology. When will we see an apology from the city manager?

Tickled Pink

Our city is so fortunate having Merrick Brown. We watched his presentation on Jasper to council, and his skill set and reputation is a massive asset for our city.

Tickled Pink

Thank you Medicine Hat News and CHAT-TV for fair and balanced journalism with regard to this elected council.

Ticked Off

Facebook supports junk journalism like Community TV. Send stars to support local media to support online harassment of city employees? That Panda is trash.

Ticked Off

The City of Medicine Hat, make up your mind. Seniors do not want the city to grow. Developers want to build homes, build businesses and expand, but deem it too expensive. Do we need to go back to being a railway town?

Ticked Off

I’m a senior who likes to yell at the clouds. You better not use my tax dollars to bid on the Memorial Cup.

Tickled Pink

That on legal counsel, our mayor has not given an apology to the city manager and city councillors. Her doing so would be a public admission of guilt, ruining any chance of compensation and blocking any attempt to identify both sides of the conflict. (Editor’s note: Emailed three hours and 12 minutes after the mayor gave an apology to the city manager and city councillors.)

Ticked Off

Coun. Shila Sharps’ tone was very disrespectful and dominating during Tuesday’s council meeting. I find this to be a true reflection of who she is and what her standards of communication are.

Ticked Off

Anyone on council or administration unwilling or unable to move on with the business of this city should resign immediately. We the public will take the savings in salaries. Any money spent on looking for personal validation is a waste. Thank you very much.

Ticked Off

We understand pedestrians have the right of way. But would it be so hard to look up, maybe give a wave, a quick smile and a nod, just some form of communication when the motor vehicle stops for you? Often times you can feel the entitlement of the pedestrian walking right on by. Just head down with no regard for anyone else but themselves. Specifically in the high traffic business area in South Ridge. You can just sense how miserable people are by how they walk across a crosswalk.

Ticked Off

With the number of wanted employee ads when the business is not hiring. Very deceiving and wasting of my time. Be considerate to all who need work.

Tickled Pink

Coun. Shila Sharps is right that the city can get rid of 20 per cent of its work force. They should start at the top, as there are too many overpaid employees trying to justify their jobs.

Ticked Off

Sorry, Jagmeet Singh, you and your NDP propping up a prime minister who should have been gone years ago will not be forgotten. You got the pension you wanted, now get lost.

Ticked Off

I’ve been reading this page with interest and have noted the many people who are not happy with our present premier. Neither am I. We haven’t had a good conservative premier since Peter Lougheed. They’ve been getting progressively worse. I think we’ve hit bottom with this one. It doesn’t matter if your parents always voted PC, or even if you have. If the leader can’t or won’t lead, then it’s time to change.

Tickled Pink

Three cheers to Coun. Ramona Robins for being the voice of reason at the council meeting on Tuesday. She is correct, no audit is necessary. Any chance the rest can grow up and move on? Enough is enough.

Tickled Pink

With the Municipal Works grader operator who addressed our alley potholes and hand raked the gravel after blading.

Ticked Off

What a lame attempt at an apology by the mayor.

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