March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Sept. 3, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 3, 2024.

Ticked Off

What I learned from the mayor vs. CAO riff, the lack of courtesy. Regardless of having the power to reorganize ‘to save money’ there should be a discussion and courtesy given to those whose functions are going to be affected. If the mayor was not afforded courtesy or the opportunity for considerations prior to that council meeting spat, what would be the city’s treatment of ordinary residents?

Tickled Pink

That a kind woman cleans up the mess left by the guests of an organization on Allowance Ave and Braemar St. S.E. this is a job for their staff one would think.

Ticked Off

Alberta has 500 new doctors according to Danielle Smith, to take care of the over 4 million people in the province. Curious where I can see someone because it seems that all 500 doctors are not taking patients as they are full and the current doctors are so full too. Fantastic.

Tickled Pink

For the first time in my memory the price of gas went down before a long weekend.

Ticked Off

Our Premier has 13 staff listed on AB website. Our hard earned tax dollars are paying for this crap. So much for smaller government being a responsible leader with our $$$$. NDP were raked over the hot coals for less $$$$ spent.

Tickled Pink

Tradition is what you call the solution to a problem, after you’ve forgotten what the problem is. Take away the solution and the problem comes back. – Donald Kingsbury

Ticked Off

Absolutely appalled at the UCP’s decision to start transferring Alberta’s hospitals to private operators. Danielle Smith says she want’s to introduce “fear” into our healthcare system – uuuh what?? Does anyone really believe that a private operator starting from scratch, with limited experience, will do a better job at running our hospitals than AHS? Not to mention the implications of a religious organization imposing their beliefs on everyone and not allowing certain medical procedures. This makes me sick. I will never be voting for the UCP again.

Ticked Off

I walk the trails everyday taking my life in my hands. I am hearing impaired and have hearing aides which I don’t wear when walking because I perspire when walking which could damage the hearing aides. I don’t hear bells or you calling out, please slow down and be courteous.

Ticked Off

The Alberta government thinks bringing fear and competition into our healthcare system will make it better. What an insult to the people who work hard in the present system. The UCP should be ashamed of themselves for this attitude, healthcare workers are a dedicated bunch.

Tickled Pink

No need for an audit of city council, they’ll all be gone next election.

Ticked Off

Absolutely terrible recent pavement resurfacing effort Eastbound Trans Canada Hwy Exit Ramp onto 13th Ave SE. Now you can ‘feel’ every friggin’ asphalt truckload ‘seam’ on top of the old seamless paving effort. “Trying to save a buck” as these seams will cause a weakness in roads’ overall integrity causing unnecessary annual repairs.

Tickled Pink

That the city has the foresight to invest in the solar industry. Please reject the naysayers.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at people who tell you to mind your own business but they are the first ones that want to know your business and everyone’s business and then some.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink to know how the city stops deer from eating beautiful planters along Dunmore road. Also would love to know how city keeps planters and downtown hanging baskets so lush.

Ticked Off

At the city’s parks department. While other city’s are removing their rocks and paved areas and replacing it back to grass because of overland flooding, we are doing the opposite. The cutting and removal of our old beautiful trees should never be an option.

Ticked Off

I would advise Councillor McGrogan of the old saying, be careful what you wish for. It doesn’t always turn out the way you hope or might expect. It is obvious you are trying to further embarrass the Mayor instead of working to move forward.

Tickled Pink

The fantastic work that the contractors and city organizers are doing with the Turner Park renovation, well done.

Ticked Off

Selling our hospitals to private company will only up our health care costs and cause more doctors and nurses to leave the province.

Tickled Pink

Tickled Pink by Kim Porter’s seemingly never ending work and involvement in the city and her work with addictions.

Ticked Off

Why does Danielle Smith and the UCP not understand that Canadians like universal healthcare. We do not want it dismantled. We want it funded properly and staffed properly. Administration is not the problem, the government is the problem.

Tickled Pink

I’m happy that so many small local businesses have been bought out by weed shops. Now instead of buying baked goods at local bakeries, I can spend that money getting baked and to those struggling with your local bookstore being replaced with a local blunt store, have you tried weed?

(Editors note: sounds like you need to mellow out my friend.)

Ticked Off

I am disappointed that the iconic neon sign at the Assiniboia Inn was removed without any acknowledgement. Couldn’t this have been saved, cleaned and fixed up to be a cool historical feature?

Ticked Off

The Turner Park renovation is underway and looks like the contractors are making great progress. This worksite is properly surrounded by security/safety fencing to stop non-authorized individuals from entering this restricted work area. However, can you believe adults, not children, ‘adults’ are entering this restricted area because they want to get a ‘better look’ at the newly installed equipment. Give your heads a shake, there is a reason this security fence is placed around any worksite, it is there to keep clowns like you out.

Tickled Pink

Urban chickens, hmm much better than diesel polluting the air for those who need to run them in driveway for more than 10 minutes?

Ticked Off

I just renewed the registration on my vehicle (license plates). It seems our provincial government has made the process more difficult. I feel like they might be trying to scam me so they can catch me and fine me. It should be easier, not more difficult.

Ticked Off

With the recent tragic accidents claiming two lives, something on our streets needs to change. Condolences to the families affected.

Ticked Off

At that someone actually thinks that the reply comments to some of the submissions are violating any code of conduct. The person that does this column is much smarter than the person who said this. I find him/her very entertaining and refreshing. Please keep up your good work.

(Editors note: awe shucks, I’m blushing.)

Ticked Off

Oh no! I had a nightmare that Drew Barnes and Ted Clugston both run for city council in 2025. Please, someone wake me up.

Tickled Pink

I am so thankful for Alberta Health Services, our government run health care system. It is not profit driven, but rather a compassionate and caring organization with 1,000’s of dedicated employees. When we are sick, no matter what our situation or circumstances, they are non judgmental and willing to help. We are so blessed to be cared for like this. AHS is one of the best things about living in Alberta.

Ticked Off

So UCP are going privatize health care now. Better start looking for private health care insurance, this government needs to go.

Ticked Off

I saw a guy driving down the street with his young son standing on the seat, with his head and upper chest poking through the sunroof! Are you trying to kill your child? I was so stunned I didn’t get his plate number, but if I ever see this again I will definitely try to get the plate and call the police. Shame on you.

Ticked Off

I’m ticked that a Russian olive tree is at the entrance to Police Point Park, getting bigger every year and spreading more seed every year. Now there are Russian olive trees growing inside the park. Dig up seedlings and saplings. Check the internet for best way to get rid of mature trees so they don’t re-sprout.

Ticked Off

At Telus door-to-door sales people. You show up at a person’s home, at least have the fortitude to see the person you want to push your advertising on isn’t doing well and doesn’t want what you’re trying to sell. After he says no about 10 times over, don’t continue to push on a person who isn’t well like you did. Next time, I won’t be as kind as I was.

Ticked Off

That the mayor has to apologize for her conduct. I think the council should also apologize to her for placing to strict sanctions on her. It goes both ways.

Tickled Pink

Glad that the City is looking at purchasing the solar project. They are showing vision similar to the council and citizens did in 1905 and the gas fields. Can you imagine what Medicine Hat would be today without that gas legacy.

Ticked Off

Regarding an apology the Mayor was asked to give. I have always thought an apology is given when a person is truly sorry! I am betting this is not the case! Move on council and get to the matters at hand!

Ticked Off

Rogers gave us free Disney Plus, which we did not want and will never watch. Now they raise the price on our tv set-top boxes, even though we are in a two year plan. What a slimy way of passing the cost of something onto customers while in a contract.

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