March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 29, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 29, 2024.

Tickled Pink

The mayor won her judicial review for the most part. I hope now council will apologize to her for way overstepping what was reasonable. If the council would have just done what reasonable and logical they could have saved taxpayers a bunch of money in legal fees. It seems they wanted to prove they were right instead of trying to do what was in the city’s best interest.

Tickled Pink

That things worked out for the mayor. Justice was served.

Tickled Pink

That Medicine Hat hosted the Indian Relay Races this past weekend. It was a lot of fun, however the volume of the program was extremely high and took away from the enjoyment of the event. Hoping for an adjustment for another year.

Ticked Off

When will administration provide the receipts and FOIP requests they are stalling on?

Ticked Off

I am totally embarrassed of the way our city appears to eastbound travellers on the Trans-Canada Highway. The tall brown weeds, dead trees and crumbling businesses. I would never consider stopping or buying property in what appears to be a dump of a town. Medicine Hat can do better.

Tickled Pink

That the mayor has been ruled to be in breach of the code of conduct as council asserted. I look forward to her apology so she can resume some of her duties and council can move forward with governing.

Tickled Pink

Concerning the court decision regarding Mayor Clark. However, history has shown it is often necessary to break a rule in order to draw attention to unacceptable social and political practices. Just because “this is the way we have always done it,” does not make it right.

Ticked Off

At the man/child who was on Boundary Road NE yesterday coming from the scrap metal yard at noon and just had to pass on a solid line going about 100 km/h on a 50 /h stretch. Thanks for the gravel you spewed onto my car and windshield. You couldn’t wait one minute to get to the intersection? I hope you don’t wind up killing someone, moron.

Ticked Off

Dr. Paul Parks can constantly complain about the province but it’s the federal government policies that make doctors run to the U.S. where they can make a much better living.

Tickled Pink

At the person complaining about visitors having to see all the tall weeds in the city. Most (and I mean most) of our visitors are from the same place and they are very used to seeing a lot of large weeds, so don’t sweat it.

Tickled Pink

That a new funeral home is coming to Medicine Hat. Prices have been too high for too long.

Tickled Pink

The mayor of this city still has to apologize for breaking code of conduct, which she should have done months ago. Then she would not have those sanctions and no judicial review. Good for council for applying sanctions; well-deserved. Mayor has dragged this council through months of turmoil.

Tickled Pink

That by a court decision, our elected mayor has been reinstated as our elected mayor. However, the issue that caused all this mess still remains. As repeatedly requested by the mayor, will the city manager now open the books to the public on how our tax dollars have been spent, on the criteria and process used to hire or downsize/fire staff?

Tickled Pink

If the complainers among us who cringe when a dog barks would give their heads a shake long enough to contact the bylaw personnel at city hall and have them solve the problems associated with screeching magpies and blue jays. Oh the humanity.

Tickled Pink

Thank you to the white truck that paid for my Tim Hortons order! Your act of kindness made an impact on my two kiddos and we really appreciated it.

Ticked Off

Dear, 35 years with AHS, What were you expecting to get? A monetary gift? Many people work 35-plus years with a company. We get the same ‘thank-you’ letter.

Tickled Pink

There’s no evidence Einstein said, “I refuse to engage in an intellectual battle with an unarmed man.” The earliest verifiable instance of the common witticism is Abby Buchanan Longstreet in 1866. If you’re putting yourself out there, at least know what you’re talking about.

Ticked Off

Why is the UCP so intent on destroying the Rocky Mountains as well as the water system with coal mining? To top it off, this company apparently has a poor environmental record, so not only will they be destroying the mountains they will also have no regard for the environment. I think Albertans have made it more than clear that it is unacceptable and of zero benefit to Albertans, so why continue to issue permits?

Ticked Off

That our premier’s solution to rural hospitals issues is to sell them to Covenant Health, because, apparently, she believes they haven’t had to close their hospitals due to staff shortages. There are shortages across the board no matter if it’s AHS, Covenant or any other agency, so selling off rural hospitals will not solve the issue at hand.

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