March 30th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 20, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 20, 2024.

Tickled Pink

At least it’s good to see that the people in charge are absolute toddlers at every level of our governments. Municipal, provincial, federal, it’s like high school all over again. Grab your popcorn.

Tickled Pink

With the MH police officer who slowed down, turned on his lights and waved back to my three-year-old granddaughter as she was waving to him. She was so delighted, and it was a good teaching moment that police officers are nice and here to help when you need them.

Ticked Off

The director of development and infrastructure is delusional thinking WestJet’s new flight schedule is now improved. One flight in and out per day, departing MH at 7 a.m. and then not coming back until midnight. What happens if you are delayed as WJ inevitably is? Dysfunctional and the death bell for air travel to MH.

Tickled Pink

If Medicine Hat would get an old fashioned deli and cheese store again. There used to be two in Medicine Hat several years ago.

Ticked Off

Tin-can alley sits mostly unused every day. I have seen towns have farmers markets downtown weekly, people get to set up for free. Maybe the city needs to do the same.

Ticked Off

That most bikers on the trails don’t have bells or horns to warn walkers.

Tickled Pink

I wish I could personally thank Mr. Trudeau for the, almost $7/month increase to my gas, but stamps are getting pretty pricey.

Tickled Pink

If council members got stripped half their salaries. I wonder how they would fair financially? Would it impact their lives? What they did to the mayor is wrong.

Tickled Pink

To anyone/everyone who had anything to do with getting the railway tracks removed from the bottom of Dunmore Hill, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ticked Off

At our mayor for saying it’s hard to believe the city would waste taxpayers’ money coming after her. She went after the city. Are they supposed to back off and not have anyone representing them?

Tickled Pink

Something to contemplate for potential TO/TP contributors: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” — Mark Twain

Tickled Pink

“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.” — Isaac Asimov

Ticked Off

People, can’t we leave U.S. politics in their yard? It’s their problem, not ours. We cannot do a single thing to change what the American people do in politics, so nasty comments about one candidate or the other makes no difference here.

Tickled Pink

That breakdancing has been cancelled from the Olympics. I love to watch the event, however I don’t think it qualifies as an athletic sport.

Ticked Off

At the hubris of the mayor. She appeals her punishment to the courts and then is critical of the city for spending tax dollars on legal fees. I’m astounded that, as a lawyer, she cannot see the distinction between her argument on handling staffing and her way of dealing with it. She is wholly unfit to be mayor.

Tickled Pink

That the truth is finally coming out. Thank you, Medicine Hat News, for your article about the mayor on Friday. She is a bully but puts on this sweet smile to make her look like the poor aggrieved person. Thank you, councillors, for finally saying what many people thought of the mayor. She needs to go.

Tickled Pink

With yet another major water main break, this time in Montreal, I’m so grateful our city is trying to be proactive with upgrading our systems. Sure it’s inconvenient, but a major break would be a lot worse.

Ticked Off

Remember, folks, in all disputes there are two sides. Sometimes as in the case of the Redcliff dispute we only hear one side. Sometimes you’re wise to only believe half of what you hear.

Ticked Off

It appears to me we have a mayor who came in with some kind of vendetta right from the start and just won’t let it go so council can actually function.

Ticked Off

That more and more locally invasive Russian olive is thriving in and near the creek, while mature parent trees thrive for years uphill on the intersection of 13th with Dunmore Road, and on the MH Connaught Golf Course, and down Marlboro coulee draw.

Ticked Off

If the mayor wins the judicial review I presume the council members will only be paid half their salaries for the foreseeable future as a sanction for their public humiliation of the mayor and their over-the-top sanctions.

Tickled Pink

Hopefully the Medicine Hat Tigers along with the City of Medicine Hat’s support will win the nomination to host the Memorial Cup. The economic benefits will be huge for restaurants, hotels and businesses. I know I for one will volunteer to help make this hockey tournament happen, and I’m sure others will, too. Go Tigers Go!

Tickled Pink

That in Medicine Hat balogna and baloney are identical products, so if you think somebody in TO/TP is full of baloney, politely ask them to make you a sandwich.

Ticked Off

So, freedom of speech only applies if you are not on strike?

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