March 14th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 13, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 13, 2024.

Tickled Pink

That citizens are fighting back against the incompetence of our city manager and their city managing directors, keep up the fight, they can’t silence everyone.

Tickled Pink

Right now, a multi-millionaire in Canada could pay a lower marginal income tax rate than a nurse. The Liberal government of Canada says they’re changing that. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is asking the wealthiest few to pay a little more – to pay their fair share. So now what do the **** Trudeau folks think of that?

Tickled Pink

That the city is finally looking at collecting food waste. I currently do my own compost for our family, and it has reduced our garbage significantly.

Tickled Pink

If the premier adopted a balanced approach by listening, not only to representatives of the ratepayers association, but also to supporters of the mayor.

Tickled Pink

I had to laugh at someone suggesting the CFL abolish TD celebrations. I can’t believe someone actually watches the CFL. Too funny.

Ticked Off

To the person ticked off with E-Bikes going fast by them as they are walking, don’t blame it on all bikers, I personally slow down when I go by people. But on the other hand, some walkers should be responsible too, as I can’t even count how many times I come up to walkers, ring my bell to let them know and they have not heard my bell, only to see they have ear buds in and can’t hear my bell.

Tickled Pink

By Judith Bergum’s letter to the editor on city governance. Very well written and I completely agree.

Tickled Pink

Judith Bergum wrote an excellent editorial regarding Ann Mitchell’s Municipal Matters. I believe the News accepted this column in good faith believing it would not be used as a means to make herself look good and protect her job. The News has a responsibility to be impartial regarding city hall matters. Please do print further Municipal Matters submitted by Ms. Mitchell.

Ticked Off

That anyone over 70 is a “doddering old fool” now. Yes, we may “dodder” (become unsteady) physically as we age, but our brains can stay sharp. What happened to respect for knowledge gained through years of experience? (Editor’s note: In fairness, they were referring to two specific doddering old fools running for president, not suggesting all older people are doddering fools.)

Ticked Off

At people who complain about other people watering. You should see how long you water for, so it’s no difference. If you weren’t so snoopy it wouldn’t bother you. So there’s no point standing there watching all the time.

Tickled Pink

The flag people at Parkview and 20th are doing an amazing job to keep the traffic flowing.

Tickled Pink

Not an Ipsos Poll, yet was intrigued at Tuesday’s News question of the day. “With one year in… rate the job of Premier Danielle Smith…” With 635 responses by suppertime; #1 Terrible 50%, #2 Bad 12%. #4 Good 11%, #5 Excellent 19%; #3 at 8%. Plus or minus margin of error Ipsos uses; Danielle Smith is only doing her job well for ~30% of voters? As our Hat MLA, and Alberta’s premier, this is a failing grade any way you look at it.

Ticked Off

Age is the only similarity between Trump and Biden. One is a liar and cheater who doesn’t let an honest day’s work interfere with his golf game (well documented facts). True, the other is a career politician, but has experienced life’s ups and downs like most of us do, and cares about others, not just about votes.

Ticked Off

That everything sports related is now accompanied by gambling.

Tickled Pink

To the kind sweet lady in Shoppers Drug Mart/mall giving away crocheted butterfly fridge magnets. When I told her she just made my day as I had just paid my vehicle insurance and property taxes, she replied, “Well, girl, you deserve an additional Canadian flag colours butterfly!”

Ticked Off

That the two Lethbridge Police officers were never charged for their illegal activities pertaining to MLA Phillips. We have an independent organization, ASIRT, to deal with these issues and they recommended charges be laid but the Crown decided against it. Why bother with the referral to ASIRT if their recommendations are ignored? Of course, if this had been a UCP MLA, they would have certainly brought charges, and now the UCP wants an Alberta Police Force they can control. That’s scary.

Ticked Off

Annoyed that the premier met with a single, noisy, I-hate-this-place person who does not speak for me.

Ticked Off

The bingo hall is not the only place where doorways are plugged with smokers. We have to walk down the middle of the road to get to a local pub, to avoid all the smoke. Pew!

Ticked Off

Just wondering, do the police not give out tickets for tinted windows anymore? I personally could issue three or four a day. Not sure why they’re not.

Tickled Pink

What a great province we have! The UCP makes regulations on renewable energy so difficult that our own TransAlta Utilities withdraws a $2 billion investment. Meanwhile, they are helping an Australian company to establish open pit coal mining on the Eastern slopes of the Rockies, which have been protected since the 70s. I’m so glad we have our premier and her lackeys in Take Back Alberta looking after us.

Ticked Off

At Harlow resident for attempting to block the construction of the four-story building. You are not living in an area that you can stop progress, remember your protective berm was at all of Medicine Hat taxpayers’ expense.

Ticked Off

Could the political left be more obvious in their gaslighting? They convict Hunter Biden on his three least significant crimes so that they can say, “See, no one is above the law.” But they let all his crimes expire that would implicate his father Joe in bribery scandals. (Editor’s note: We don’t want to be accused of ignoring certain opinions so this will run, but with all due respect, it’s just plain silly to suggest the Department of Justice in the U.S. and the “political left” are the same thing, regardless of which side you’re on here.)

Ticked Off

I don’t know why Harlow thinks their area should not have any development done. It happens all over the city… and well it should.

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