October 17th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, June 11, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on June 11, 2024.

Ticked Off

At the prices of summer rodeo – $35, was only $25 last year, I believe.

Tickled Pink

To correct a previous post regarding the American presidential candidates, it should have read, “two doddering old fools, one who is a convicted felon.”

Tickled Pink

With the wonderful staff at City of Medicine Hat parks department and all the help they gave me to arrange for a memorial bench for my daughter at Strathcona Island Park, where she used to walk her dog.

Tickled Pink

Yes, thank you to the ranchers continuing the fight for all of us against the coal mining permits this UCP government continues to slam into our lives. UCP tone-deafness absolute – ranchers, please keep hollering.

Tickled Pink

Gym in Riverside near bottle depot is wonderful. I am glad I checked it out in a boot camp.

Tickled Pink

Good article on council and city manager roles. Look forward to the next article.

Ticked Off

At the number of times I am surprised by electric bike users flying past me from behind at high speed on the walkway while I am crossing the Maple Avenue Bridge. Are there no laws in place? The riders and the city better have great insurance policies in place if I ever get hit and injured. If you want high speed, get on the road where you belong and feel vulnerable like we do now.

Tickled Pink

With a recent letter to the editor explaining the CPP for all the uneducated persons in this city. Terrible idea for us seniors.

Tickled Pink

That all my T/O posts are enjoyed by so many. I think I’m funny, too. Thank you.

Tickled Pink

Did you know the balloons have been coming for the past three years? Yup, they have. And the first time they ever came was back in the ’80s during Spectrum. My mom had all the grandkids at her place in South Ridge and they saw them rise up from the coulee below. Now that’s a site.

Ticked Off

If I want to use chemicals to kill the weeds around my yard, I will. Until the oil companies and politicians finally come to their senses about climate change, I’m going to use a weed-killing chemical spray to get rid of the weeds on my property. I’m not going to be pressured by some armchair environmentalist.

Tickled Pink

With the Cycling Without Age program. What wonderful service for seniors who so often seem to just get locked away in a facility and all but forgotten. A big pat on the back to those who volunteer to drive the trishaws so the seniors can enjoy an outing. Good job.

Tickled Pink

By the Ride For Kids Foundation that raises money for sick children. What a wonderful service you are providing for the children. Hats off to all those who participate in the ride, those who donate items to be auctioned off and those who donate. We are fortunate to have so many who volunteer to help others in our community. Good job.

Tickled Pink

I would be to know what the city uses to keep deer away from the planters on Dunmore Road.

Ticked Off

Is the city paying for the Municipal Matters column in the Medicine Hat News? If so, is this a prudent use of taxpayer dollars? (Editor’s note: No one pays us for columns, and we don’t pay them. As for the Municipal Matters column, it was requested and we said yes, and it will be written by various city employees, not just the city manager. We also have Eye on the Esplanade and Close Up on Co-op Place that are written by a rotation of city employees. Try not to assume literally everything is a hidden ploy of some kind.)

Ticked Off

At the negative comments regarding the Oilers. It’s no longer Oilers v. Panthers, it’s Canada v. U.S. I assume you will only support athletes from your home town during the Olympics. I think not.

Ticked Off

Seems like council, by taking away the media area, is expanding on the mayor’s bullying ways. (Editor’s note: While I’m sure all media appreciate the support, it should be noted the media table was moved 30 feet, not taken away. While I can only speak for the News, it’s not the hindrance on democracy some are making it out to be.)

Tickled Pink

Very much appreciated an angel cutting my front lawn in the north end of Redcliff.

Ticked Off

That the local news anchor asked a guest about a sick child’s life expectancy. Unbelievable. He should move on.

Tickled Pink

That our solar panels produce as much electricity as we use, and that there is no carbon tax on the electricity we use.

Ticked Off

It’s of great concern to learn of administration at city hall threatening to sue citizens for asking tough questions. Is this why council is afraid to question the city manager, in fear of litigation or sanctions?

Ticked Off

That it is often impossible to access and support the local bingo establishment without having to weave my way past the smokers who crowd the doorways. It’s disgusting, and management continually does nothing about it. I thought there were laws in place to allow smoke-free access to business establishments. I’ll find a better source of entertainment until I see improvement.

Ticked Off

It seems the Take Back Alberta group has a firm hold on what is happening in this province. Trouble is, most of the province doesn’t like their ideas and influence. We need to organize a take back Alberta from the Take Back Alberta guys.

Tickled Pink

The Alberta legislature is on summer break, thank God. It also gives us a break from them passing useless legislation for a while.

Ticked Off

We’ve had nine dead baby birds in the yard this week. Not eaten. Never had this many in a week, a month, a season. What is killing them?

Ticked Off

To the person complaining about the noise from Spectrum, just live with it as it only happens once a year. I suggest you buy a pair of ear plugs for next year so you can then enjoy your sleep. You’re welcome.

Ticked Off

Could the CFL please put a rule in to stop these silly touchdown celebrations? They last too long and these players should act like they’ve been there before. You scored a touchdown, not cured cancer.

Ticked Off

That there is very little discussion around the damaging acts of our city administration and council toward citizens who are looking for transparency. It seems the News doesn’t want to investigate. What happened to investigative journalism? Let’s see if this gets posted to prove my point. (Editor’s note: We’ll even fix your grammar.)

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