December 4th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Feb. 29, 2024

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 29, 2024.

Ticked Off

Mainstream media is the enemy of the people. And this paper knows it. (Editor’s note: Feels like you won’t believe this but we actually didn’t know it.)

Ticked Off

That we have a dictator that spends this much money. So we are OK with this mess. We could have an amazing standard of living with reasonable taxes without spending like drunken sailors.

Ticked Off

Alberta’s premier isn’t thinking of what’s best for our province! Why on Earth would we opt out?

Ticked Off

I think East Hastings should be a road map for us, no matter what resources are out there, this isn’t going away. Clugston obviously was wrong.

Ticked Off

At Medicine Hat voters who didn’t realize Marlaina “Danielle” Smith has no common sense, she just listens to her crazy inner voice when it comes to her absurd idea of governing. I think we can all see the colour of the show we are being presented with here.

Tickled Pink

At the pretty young lady at A&W on Redcliff Drive on Tuesday morning. Her smile and great attitude made the day better.

Tickled Pink

Glad Chris Barber is suing the government, I wished he could sue Trudeau personally.

Ticked Off

Following TO/TP, note a fairly consistent 30% support for Danielle Smith UCP party. If offered, a small percentage of folks state they are indifferent. This leaves a solid 60%-70% majority who do not adhere to the agenda of our premier. Who is she truly representing? Not those of us who want responsible government that does not erode our health care, undermines education, diminishes minority rights, tries to claim our CPP and now bows out of joining National Pharmacare. (Editor’s note: In fairness, TO/TP might not be the best source of public opinion out there. Otherwise, according the first guy, we journalists are surrounded by the enemy.)

Tickled Pink

That I am able to look past a recent setback and appreciate how great my life truly is when I look at all the good things.

Tickled Pink

You can bet your boots if the NDP don’t like it, it is good for the province.

Ticked Off

With Canada Post. Go two-three days no mail then a bundle wrapped with a rubber band. Where is our first-class mail service? We pay for it, but never see it.

Ticked Off

Chai latte. Chai tea. The definition of “chai” is tea in English. So chai tea is saying tea tea. And the composition of “chai” is tea, spices milk. It is just “chai,” it can’t be served without milk and you don’t add the Italian word “latte” to an Indian drink.

Ticked Off

That the city wants an extra $4.4 million for extras and new pet staff projects. Think less. Smaller. Reduce. Stop adding “programs” and “liaisons.” Impress us with saying “no.”

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