March 13th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Dec. 29

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on December 29, 2022.

Tickled Pink

Anyone else notice that some of the deer in Redcliff are acting really strange, the symptoms are exactly like chronic wasting disease.

Ticked Off

Stores no longer offer single-use bags but people can still buy single-use garbage bags. If city would allow true compost of all compostable products in the green bins, imagine how little black bin waste people would have?

Ticked Off

A vote for the NDP is like a vote for Trudeau, who is trying to destroy Alberta.

Tickled Pink

By all those who volunteer their time to help others. This city seems to have an unending supply of volunteers and it is truly commendable. It is easy to write a cheque to help out, and that is also needed, but to give freely of your time is wonderful.

Tickled Pink

Accidentally didn’t scan a $6 item from big box store. I’m so not a cashier. I need some proper training as their non-cashier.

Ticked Off

You people who think it’s so noisy at Tigers games. My gosh, do you not remember the old Arena, how loud it was? And maybe you’ve never been to an NHL game, you should try one. Also, yes, we like to get a ‘Go Tigers Go’ chant going and if you ever get off your hands and try it you might enjoy it, but probably not.

Ticked Off

I don’t understand Medicine Hat Transit route logic. Some places have a lot of stops and some have hardly any or none. Why won’t they reduce the number of stops and make a wider demographic of stops?

Ticked Off

Saying support for sports by producers of alcoholic beverages is endorsement of alcoholism is another example of false equivalence. Responsible use of alcohol is not applauding alcoholism. Prohibition failed and was replaced by a more sensible, albeit imperfect solution, that, sadly, some people still cannot accept.

Tickled Pink

I am very pleased with the Ticked Off entry which criticized our MP for his comments relating to the six-week ordeal in Ottawa. Let’s organize a minor inconvenience and block the areas surrounding our local MP and MLA homes for six weeks and see how they enjoy the minor inconvenience. No! Common Sense, please.

Tickled Pink

If like last week we could see the NHL scoreboard posted in this newspaper at least twice a week, say the first and last issue of the week, would probably keep the NHL subscribers to your paper happy. (Editor’s note: As a local paper, we run NHL scoreboard on 100% of the days we have space for it.)

Tickled Pink

To see how airlines screwed up again during the Holidays. Can’t blame government in good faith on this mess airlines have created again. De-icer not powerful enough in Calgary. Lack of staff STILL. Hang your heads CEOs, and bonuses are gone.

Tickled Pink

Our MP supports ownership of automatic and semiautomatic weapons and is in support of the insurrectionist aka “Freedom Convoy protesters.” He is a good Christian.

Ticked Off

Why does the Alberta government not have a climate change policy? They seem to have the opposite. Do we really need to produce and sell as much oil as we can? The reason there is a Sovereignty Act is to fight the federal government to do so.

Ticked Off

With the person who said our green bins were not compost bins. They are. You can put in any fruit and vegetable peelings. They are no different than grass and flower clippings. Just drop them in all winter and then in spring put the grass clippings on top ready for the first pickup.

Tickled Pink

I would be if the News would list who is offended by them writing Christmas in news pieces. Talk to any creed, religion, skin colour… they all want Christmas (Editor’s note: Well, that’s just not true at all, is it?) You’re only virtue signalling to yourself. (Editor’s note: The word ‘Christmas’ and stories specifically about it appeared in the News countless times over the past several weeks. It is also the Holiday Season, and you are literally the only person, anonymous or otherwise, to be offended one way or the other over how often we wrote either.)

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