March 14th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Oct. 20

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 20, 2022.

Ticked Off

Just in case nobody knew this: Redcliff is over-run with deer. Just keep your head buried in the sand and hope the problem will go away, and if it doesn’t, hopefully it wont affect you.

Ticked Off

I hope the Freedom Convoy protesters and supporters are following the Emergencies Act hearing in detail. The protesters should be ashamed of their behaviour, and how they were only concerned about themselves. Not very Christian behaviour.

Tickled Pink

Premiers do lots of great things for their riding. Think about it. Now is your chance to put Medicine Hat on the map if you vote for the premier. We’d be fools not to vote for Premier Danielle Smith!

Ticked Off

Speed bumps are needed in Crestwood on 17th Street. Does anyone drive 50kms in residential areas? Terribly heartbroken for loss of family pet. Thank you to my neighbours for their support!

Tickled Pink

Thank goodness for command start. When the temperature dips below 10c, I have a nice toasty car to drive to work in.

Ticked Off

Smith is Alberta’s embarrassment. Her mouth can’t fit both feet into it, or can it?

Tickled Pink

Carbon tax rebates are here, I get back money, more money then I actually paid on my utilities. I have never received GST rebates.

Ticked Off

I hate tattoos. Who would want to look at that mess for the rest of their lives? What on Earth were you thinking? (Editor’s note: Probably that they like looking at tattoos.)

Tickled Pink

I will gladly vote for Danielle Smith if it means keeping the NDP menace away from Medicine Hat forever.

Tickled Pink

If the city would cut down all the Russian Olive trees, pull the stumps and fill the holes with bags of discarded dog poop.

Tickled Pink

That there is a beautiful small town in southern Alberta that is Foremost in my mind!

Tickled Pink

Let me get this straight. You are going to tell bylaw that someone used your garbage bin to put garbage in? And you want them fined or arrested? That is hilarious. I can’t wait to read your next comment.

Tickled Pink

That we have such an array of knowledgeable garbage can consultants. Maybe you can suggest which garbage can all the cat crap goes that obviously comes from some cat who has broke its leash?

Ticked Off

I am saddened by the people who throw their lunch out in the off-leash area of Parkview. My dog thinks your lunch is awesome and could devour it, plastic wrap and all, before I get a chance to grab it from her. This could lead to a trip to the vet for a painful intestinal blockage. Please be kind and dispose of your waste in a proper receptacle.

Tickled Pink

To know Smith be shortest premier on record. Shorter than Campbell hands down. (Editor’s note: Kim Campbell was prime minister so, technically, Smith has already been premier for WAY longer.)

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