By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on September 8, 2022.
Ticked Off What city clown is running the swimming pools? 36C and Echo Dale/outdoor pools are closed. Really smart! It’s hot here until October. Tickled Pink Tinkled pink with how well traffic was managed during the Parkview Drive road construction. Flag persons and other construction personnel monitored the lines of traffic and kept wait times very reasonable. Ticked Off Deer destroying the flowers and plants, skunks wrecking everyone’s lawns and an adult male cougar all wandering around our neighbourhood on Crescent Heights and the city does nothing. And if we did something the cops would be up here to arrest us. Ticked Off This city needs a modern outdoor pool like Henderson Lake in Lethbridge, and PS there’s is open on Labour Day. Ticked Off How is it so many people follow the media so blindly? They are leading you astray, they will be held accountable one day. Ticked Off No rain. Record heat. Hot, dry winds. Tinder dry conditions. Discarding lit cigarettes? Be wiser about this preventable ‘accident’. Ticked Off Too many folks must believe in Disney fairytales but animals are not incarnate caricatures of furry humans; they are supposed to be enjoyed as wildlife. Medicine Hat has ample food for the deer and rabbits. Please stop hand feeding them off your patio, or leaving cracked corn, apples and carrots in the parks. Tickled Pink Glad we can all voice our issues but, unless you or someone with ability to change a problem does it; stop complaining! Neither the Russian Olive trees or deer population are going to be removed or culled so, get used to them being part of our landscape. Tickled Pink I’d like to thank whomever dropped off the solar lights in our yard a couple of weeks ago. They’re beautiful! We love how they change colours. They make a lovely addition to our yard and didn’t cost us a dime! Tickled Pink Tickled pink now that fuel prices have come down 25%, that food prices will soon follow. The big grocery chains told us that increased transportation costs is what was driving up prices at their stores. Ticked Off What a bunch of hot air spewed from our politicians! For once would you listen to what the majority of Albertans are saying, not your interpretation? How about giving the same attention to those causes that are in the present day? Ticked Off To the one who thinks he hasn’t lost any freedoms. Take the paper bag off your head and look around. Ticked Off Yes, the Chrystia Freeland incident was not good but that is a sign that Trudeau government needs to start listening to the people. If they don’t, and continue to be so arrogant, this type of thing may continue. Ticked Off All the GoFundMe is not free, money goes to GoFundMe not just those you want to help. People need to find a better way. GoFundMe is getting rich off other people’s misfortune. Ticked Off People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. Ticked Off One day many will hang their heads in shame, when they realize the evil they defended and heroes they ridiculed. Ticked Off At the hypocrisy of council who campaigned on doing their business in open council rather than closed council, yet now have more closed council meetings than ever. Ticked Off Name one right lost? I lost the right to keep my business open, and to have an income coming in for myself and my employees. My kids lost the right to go to school and learn with friends in person. And we all lost the right to criticize a corrupt prime minister. Shall I go on? 37