January 9th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink,Aug. 23

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 23, 2022.

Ticked Off

Talk is cheap. The UCP now promising to add 275 more police officers to the provincial police force that they plan to establish. That sounds great now that extra income is coming into the provincial coffers. But we know a down turn in the economy would result in layoffs for these officers to cut costs. The UCP has done that in recent past with front-line nurses.

Ticked Off

I’m ticked that the migrating birds love the seeds of the mature Russian olive and “plant” them all over the city and far beyond, throughout southern Alberta and Montana. I’m ticked that mature Russian olives grow both by rhyzomes and abundant seeds, and “elbow out” native plants that provide food for the birds. Ticked at the mature Russian olive trees at the intersection of Dunmore Road and 13th Ave., and around the college pond.

Tickled Pink

Tickled pink with Cash Moore’s Aug. 18 article “Listen to opposing viewpoints” where he explained the difference between opposing views and lies. Well said!

Tickled Pink

I was out at Hubers market in Redcliff the other day picking up a few things during the power outage. When I went to pay, my tap didn’t work and I was a little short in cash to pay for everything. I was in the process of taking some stuff back when the trusting employee working the till said no problem take your stuff and pay the difference when you come back some other time, when the lady behind me said I will pay the difference. You kind hearted ladies both made my day. Thank you.

Ticked Off

It seems we are already in Crazy Town with the exception of one or two candidates, so bring in the clowns. I feel for the rational candidates who have been swept up in this swirl of narcissism. This lunacy is not my Alberta.

Ticked Off

Interesting how candidates don’t really validate any of their proposals as Alberta premier. Prove that you’re not a liar and represent Albertans! We need a leader who’s truly for the people.

Ticked Off

Ticked off at the snoopy guy across the street. Sees everything, hears everything, stares at everything. Get a life!

Ticked Off

The city has to cull the wild deer population roaming the SE Hill. People much spend time and money making their flower beds beautiful and the deer eat and destroy all the plants.

Ticked Off

That taxpayers will be on the hook for the new Liberal NDP dental plan and the biggest winners will be big business who will no longer need to supply this expensive benefit. Meanwhile health care is underfunded.

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