By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on October 29, 2020.
Tickled Pink All you doubters who said there was no plan for health care. All the nurses and doctors can start their own clinics, and charge as much as the rich can afford. As for the rest of us, back to line-ups. At least the premier and his buddies on the high paying commissions can afford it. Tickled Pink I’m very thankful our community has been blessed with the presence of St. Joseph’s hospice as managed by Covenant Health. Numerous families have expressed thanks and praise for the wonderful end of life love and care provided to their loved ones by St. Joseph home. Please keep up your great work of supporting life until natural death. This is true health care. Ticked Off That government employees can use government vehicles for their personal use. I am pretty sure the gym or liquor stores do not count as government businesses. I am pretty sure their bosses would not be impressed. Tickled Pink The guy at work has a terrible dye job on his hair and really thinks he’s king of pancakes. Seriously dude, you can bring flowers but it’s still a bad hair day. Act your age. Ticked Off I believe that at the present time Canadian laws should be applied to all Canadians equally. It would be easier to enforce. Ticked Off I was told that when the PC got elected the cost of living would skyrocket. Sure has. Everything from car registration, insurance increases . . . UPC are definitely not for the people, just oil companies. Good luck getting re-elected. Tickled Pink Thank you to the kind gentleman and his wife who stopped to help my husband and I when I fell at Sunrise Gate and Sunrise Circle by the mailbox. The sidewalk was not level and he told us that he had fallen in the same spot. I had a small concussion but I am OK. Thanks for caring. Ticked Off Is there some reason/secret the city councillors aren’t transparent with the financial details of the previous Canalta deal and now the new Co-op deal? Swift Current IPlex deal provided financial details in 2017. It makes you wonder obviously that the City is hiding something and not being transparent and accountable to taxpayers here. Let’s hear it. We’re stakeholders and asking what should be made public. Ticked Off Why do people drive with only their running lights on during a snowstorm? Running lights do not activate taillights. 19