December 4th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink, Aug. 11

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on August 11, 2020.

Tickled Pink

While lots of work is being done on Division Avenue south, sure would be nice if a storm sewer at the top of Old Cemetery Hill would be installed. This driving through water and slush three times to get down or up Old Cemetery Hill to get to the city garage area is crazy and dangerous.

Ticked Off

Why can’t CPR crossing at Box Springs and 23 Street NW be repaired better than it is? Boards splintering and puncturing tires is ridiculous. There are other crossings in the city that are concrete or metal and are smooth. Repairs need to be made on a more permanent basis.

Tickled Pink

The people of Medicine Hat are so accepting. I cut a big hole in my face mask so I can smoke and everyone I’ve seen thinks it’s ingenious.

Ticked Off

That some guys can’t tell the difference between a woman being friendly and a come-on. Dream on – not interested.

Ticked Off

Tickled Pink that the government is finally going to twin another portion of Highway 3 but ticked off it is not the section between Medicine Hat and Bow Island which would seem to make much more sense than the proposed section, which seems to make little sense.

Ticked Off

This morning I was visiting the diagnostic clinic on Carry Drive. The staff was wonderful and were dealing with the many patients as best they could. I was lucky and was able to get into the building immediately, many were standing outside in the heat with no shade and no place to sit. NOW many of those people were elderly, many with mobility issues and who knows what else. Thank you UCP for your famous cuts to our health care.

Ticked Off

To the group of ladies that line dance in the band shelter at Kin Coulee park. While it is nice that you are able to get together several times a week to dance, it is not fair that you assume everyone else in the park wants to hear your music. Please turn the volume down so everyone can enjoy the park.

Ticked Off

That the same elderly folks that blindly vote conservative election after election have the gall to turn around and complain about how poor our health care system has gotten.

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