March 11th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink March 17, 2020

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on March 17, 2020.

Tickled Pink

I so relieved the UCP government hasn’t had a chance to destroy our health-care system yet with the imminent threat of coronavirus. We need our front line health-care workers more than ever.

Tickled Pink

That the UCP wants to balance the budget. Ticked right off that they are doing it at the expense of the disabled, those needing health care, education, lower-income and middle-income individuals. And they call this a positive change.

Ticked Off

How does a developer not notice that most of Medicine Hat is more likely to move to a nursing home than a smart home?

Ticked Off

Sick of people claiming there’s two sides or a debate around climate change. You can’t have a debate when climate scientists have all the facts and proof, and the deniers only have dreams, wishful thinking and doublespeak.

Tickled Pink

I am very very pleased the City of Medicine Hat uses an unscented foam hand cleaner as soap in the Veiner and Esplanade washrooms. I have a high sensitivity to fragrances so I appreciate this a lot. Thank you.

Tickled Pink

Here is an upside to the COVID-19 event going on around us. My husband has finally learned to cough into his elbow! I told him if he didn’t learn he was going to get a real stink eye from strangers.

Ticked Off

I hope this year here will be a decent and visible sign erected for the turn to Echo Dale.

Tickled Pink

The City of Medicine Hat has converted most street lights to LED.

Ticked Off

That a select few can disrupt the country and lawbreakers are allowed to continue as this government does nothing.

Tickled Pink

Thanks to the gentleman who picked me up and put me on my feet at Icy Mountain on Feb. 14.

Ticked Off

I wish Redcliff would start clamping down on those who don’t shovel their walks.

Ticked Off

With the tax fees the city puts on my bills.

Ticked Off

It’s not OK to start your loud snowblower at 6:15 a.m.

Tickled Pink

It’s always so heartwarming as a senior to get a Valentine from the young students at Dr. Ken Sauer School.

Ticked Off

85% of the respondents to the News poll were against a subsidy for sprinklers at Coulee Ridge. City council does not represent the citizens.

Ticked Off

That all governments don’t cut back on their management teams.

Tickled Pink

If the NDP would admit they don’t have a clue how to eliminate the debt it created. Thank God they got the boot.

Ticked Off

Two days this week I saw a school bus make a right-hand turn without even slowing down.

Ticked Off

Why are doctors arbitrarily having fees imposed on them while dentists refuse to have a fee schedule?

Tickled Pink

Thanks to the kind man who paid for my groceries in Feb. 21. It was deeply appreciated.

Ticked Off

I’m disappointed by the closure of the Walsh tourism centre. It’s yet another blow to small town life.

Ticked Off

I hope the person who damaged my white car on March 9 feels guilty for a long time.

Ticked Off

By people returning form travel and not self-isolating

Tickled Pink

The Sunshine Home and Garden Show was fantastic this year. A shout out to the Chamber of Commerce for all their hard work pulling everything together. Nice to see all the offerings from local businesses as well as from around the province. I’m certainly looking forward to the next one.

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4 years ago

Ticked Off
I wish Redcliff would start clamping down on those who don’t shovel their walks.

I think you must be talking about certain houses on both sides of the road on the 900 block of 3rd St. SW

Ticked Off
Two days this week I saw a school bus make a right-hand turn without even slowing down.

If the bus is going slow enough to make the turn, so what?