December 4th, 2024

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink Feb. 27, 2020

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on February 27, 2020.

Tickled Pink

Suncor increased the dividend on my stock holdings. Kenney’s tax cut? Where is the job creation? Nowhere!

Ticked Off

At employers who make parents feel guilty when they have to stay home with their sick kids. School and daycares don’t allow your child to be there and babies need their parents. Have compassion, don’t be a bully.

Ticked Off

That no one on city council, with the exception of Coun. Samraj, will talk to you or discuss issues unless they know you.

Tickled Pink

That the county passed first reading of proposed greenhouse project 8-1. This will be great for the area to have veggies supplied all year!

Ticked Off

At getting gouged at the gas pump by the local gasoline cartel.

Ticked Off

If I could afford to build a new home in the newest subdivision, I would fully expect to pay for my own sprinkler system!

Tickled Pink

That three councillors and the mayor just made my voting decision very easy for the next municipal election.

Ticked Off

Where was all this transparency our MLA is talking about, when during the election campaign he avoided forums concerning health care and education?

Ticked Off

We now have a “sprinkler tax” implemented by city council on the citizens of Medicine Hat. Are you kidding? Please understand the money is coming from the taxpayers’ chequing accounts, not your contingency fund.

Ticked Off

We have nowhere to go for children that are born with health needs. Does our government suggests we abort them when they find out they are not normal (to our standards)? I’m ashamed of living in Alberta.

Tickled Pink

That we are so well-off we can afford paying 19 cents more per litre of gasoline than anywhere else in the province.

Tickled Pink

At the leadership our prime minister has shown in resolving the crisis with the handful of masked terrorists blockading trains tracks and roads, and holding all of Canada hostage.

Ticked Off

People around here say “clean burning” not realizing there’s no such thing, and use China as an example for any environmental problem. You know they lead the world in adopting solar power, right? Do some research instead of spouting baseless talking points.

Ticked Off

Instead of laying more people off Via Rail should put workers to work maintaining the rails so we wouldnt keep having derailments.

Ticked Off

I think it’s BS that I have to pay for a sprinkler system for some rich family’s home. It should be included in the price of the home, not come out of the taxpayers’ pockets.

Ticked Off

Do people not realize that the UPC is borrowing billions to cover a deficit larger than the NDP’s?

Ticked Off

I hate to burst Justin’s bubble but I’m sure most Canadians don’t give a rat’s behind if Canada gets a seat on the UN Security Council

Ticked Off

The Buffalo Declaration makes me embarrassed to be an Albertan, such entitled childish drivel. I’m sad for the MPs that put it forward.

Ticked Off

It amazes me that Barnes writes such a column. His job is secure. His wages aren’t getting cut. He does have to suffer like most Albertans. Live on my wages for a year with no benefits without using any savings, then you can talk.

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4 years ago

If Gun control really does keep Canadians safe how come Trudeau and Blair still have armed bodyguards