February 5th, 2025

Ticked Off and Tickled Pink Jan. 30, 2020

By Ticked Off - Tickled Pink on January 30, 2020.

Ticked Off

As a former city employee in Parks and Rec, I can safely say that there are millions of dollars wasted every year. Lazy workers who genuinely believe they are doing the city a service just by waking up every morning, driving around town and spraying one weed or weed-whipping one tree.

Ticked Off

Hopefully the UCP health cuts will prevent a certain doctor from overbooking and making people wait four to six hours for an appointment.

Ticked Off

That the UCP government is so focused on making cuts by looking for efficiencies and cutting staff through attrition that human consequences are dismissed or downplayed. Albertans deserve better!

Tickled Pink

That the city’s budget can afford 11 new buses at a substantial cost, but I am sure that the retiring buses will generate some revenue at their sale. At least the smaller buses won’t look so empty as they perform their work.

Ticked Off

Someone is actually complaining about beards? Seriously? What about the women with the odd-coloured hair or the pencil thin eyebrows that are drawn, tattooed or sculpted?

Tickled Pink

That the city made so much money selling power at such a high rate. Perhaps they can give us a break on our bills now.

Tickled Pink

If everyone was aware of how frustrating it is to call 911 and report a crime that ensuing. In the time it took answering their stupid off topic questions the thieves had left.

Ticked Off

By all the thefts from peoples vehicles and backyards that are happening in NE Crescent Heights. Where are the police?

Ticked Off

More money from the government, more government jobs, shut down fossil fuels and less private industry. That leads to higher and higher taxes and kills our economy. Good old leftist thinking.

Ticked Off

Putting people on the spot for donations when you are paying for goods at a store is dirty.

Tickled Pink

With News column by Dr. Linda Hancock titled “Some parents need to make their children become adults.” I see this all around me in today’s society.

Tickled Pink

Glad that my friend wasn’t hurt when a small truck turning right, didn’t stop at a red light and rolled through (not skidded through) an intersection.

Tickled Pink

 If Redcliff Town Council would reconsider its stance on households needing to share communal bins. If we all had an individual bin, people would need to recycle and also not throw construction material in the communal bin.

Ticked Off

That several drivers only have their daytime running lights on in dense fog. Use common sense and put your lights on so your tail lights are visible.

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5 years ago

Tickled Pink
Glad that my friend wasn’t hurt when a small truck turning right, didn’t stop at a red light and rolled through (not skidded through) an intersection.

Well of course the truck went through the red light. Did you not know that the first page of the owners handbook for pick-ups states “congratulations on your purchase”, “you are now exempt from all traffic control signals, you may also tailgate and bully other vehicles on the road, with impunity”. “Speed limits now no longer apply to you”. We hope you have years of fun with your purchase!!!!!