March 6th, 2025

Mansoor’s Musings: Open letter to Trump

By Mansoor Ladha on January 7, 2025.

Dear President-elect Donal Trump,

You are just a few days away from assuming your second term as President of United States of America, but you have already started showing what the world would expect under your regime. Judging from your constant outbursts, I am convinced and agree with your former staff who are reported to have said you are unfit for being the president. They have worked with you, so they know your lack of integrity, skills and ability to govern.

Now let’s talk about your sense of humor. When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was gracious enough to visit you at Mara-a-Lago, you mocked him, calling him he “governor” of the “Great State of Canada.”

“It was a pleasure to have dinner the other night with Governor Justin Trudeau of the Great State of Canada,” you wrote on your social account. “I look forward to seeing the Governor again soon so that we may continue our in depth talks on Tariffs and Trade, the results of which will be truly spectacular for all!”

Your latest expansionist motive is to take over the Panama Canal and Greenland. What’s next? Would you consider taking over Europe? Or perhaps the whole world?

You have failed to acknowledge that Mr. Trudeau, until his decision Monday to step down, was a duly elected leader, and prime minister of a sovereign state, your country’s closet neighbour and one of your main trading partners. Your joke about him being a governor of the U.S.’s 51st state is unacceptable and inappropriate, coming from Canada’s best friend.

That unfortunate dinner took place in December, but you have the audacity to continuously harping on it and have been repeatedly calling PM Trudeau as Governor of the 51 states of U.S.

Mr. Trump, in your quest to annex Canada, Panama Canal and Greenland, you have failed to comprehend that the age of colonization is over. The Scramble for Africa took place in 1884-85 when European colonizers partitioned pieces of Africa and divided among themselves as if they were cutting a piece of cake! I have lived under a colonial power and believe me; it’s not a pleasant experience. So, do everyone a favour, especially us Canadians, and keep your sentiments of colonizing Canada in check: we’re living in the progressive, democratic 21st century – in case you haven’t noticed unlike what the U.S. would be under your administration in 2025.

Please stop calling Trudeau governor of the 51st state of United States; it also shows how ignorant you are about the procedures to be followed when you take over another country.

If by some miracle, Canada decides to join the U.S., approval of majority of Canadians will have to be obtained before you can legitimately takeover Canada. And we are not irresponsible enough to agree to that; I for one would prefer to live in Afghanistan under the Talibans than live under your government.

There are citizens in your country who are already considering moving to Canada when you take over. Maybe you should concentrate on keeping them at home.

We also take offence at the language used and your uncalled-for comments about former Canadian Finance Minister Christa Freeland resigning.

“The Great State of Canada is stunned as the finance minister resigns, or was fired, from her position by Governor Justin Trudeau. Her behavior was totally toxic, and not at all conducive to making deals which are good for the very unhappy citizens of Canada. She will not be missed!!!”

We understand you were unhappy with her negotiating style dating to 1981 when Ms. Freeland as then international trade minister, was leading Canada in free-trade talks with the United States. Of course, you would be unhappy because she was on your opposite side and representing interests of her country, Canada.

Judging from the political turmoil that her resignation has created, the whole country is missing her terribly. This is not the last time you will hear about Ms. Freeland because she is hinted to run as a candidate to replace Mr. Trudeau. Looks like you haven’t heard the last of her!

You have announced that you’ll take revenge on those who worked against you and that you will pardon those “goons” who attacked the Capital. This portrays you as someone who is revengeful and doesn’t believe in rule of law and the country’s justice system. As Lord Acton said: Power Corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” You are a classic example of the maxim.

When you assume the presidency, please learn to be diplomatic, sensitive, sympathetic and less revengeful – features of successful leadership. Mouthing off and allowing words flowing from your mouth without thinking won’t get you anywhere. Remember you are not running Trump Towers, but a country called United States, considered to be a leader of the democratic world. As president, you must be competent enough to deserve the title – the President of United States of America.

Mansoor Ladha is a Calgary-based journalist, travel writer and author of Aga Khan: Bridge between East & West, Memoirs of a Muhindi: Fleeing East Africa for the West, Off the Cuff and A Portrait in Pluralism: Aga Khan’s Shia Ismaili Muslims.

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