March 12th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Culture at its finest

By Linda Tooth on December 18, 2024.

My little group of six theatre-loving friends recently dived into the culture in Medicine Hat. This city I love, have lived in and worked in has such great opportunities to bring a little bit of culture and fun to those willing to go out and find it.

Does the name Shirley Valentine mean anything to you? I first heard about this lady about 15 years ago when a co-worker let me borrow a DVD to watch what she referred to as a great movie. I will never forget watching this movie, as I made my partner watch with me. You see, he was over an hour late for our dinner date as he chose to help his friend with something I am sure they both felt was more important than dinner with me. Anyway, after he showed up and we had dinner, we sat down to watch Shirley Valentine.

Was it punishment to make him watch it with me? You decide. This movie is based in Liverpool, England, and then moves to Greece as Shirley a 40-plus woman questions marriage and motherhood by having solitary conversations with her kitchen wall. Some are probably thinking, “What’s wrong with that?”

When I heard the Medicine Hat Musical Theatre was doing Shirley Valentine, I jumped at the chance to get tickets for the six of us. I soon realized that when you see it in the theatre it is a one-woman show. There is no boring routine-driven husband or handsome Greek man making an appearance. A bit sad really, but Heather Macnab, from Maple Creek, you are an amazing actress. I can’t imagine what it takes to do a show by yourself for two hours over multiple nights. My only wish was that you had the Scouse accent. To me that would have been perfect.

Our next stop on the culture train was going to the Monarch Theatre to support Irvine School’s Agriculture Discovery Centre fundraiser. I was told we were going to see a comedian named Quick Dick McDick who is from small-town Saskatchewan. I had no idea who he was but I soon found out he is a YouTube sensation. ‘Oh dear God,’ I thought, what had I agreed to?

The theatre was sold out and the crowd loved both him and his take on what was right and wrong with this country. For some of you this might seem a bit odd, but let me tell you I have never laughed so hard. His take on growing up rural was sometimes lost on me but I persevered and enjoyed his political viewpoints. He also talks about Trudeau, Bunny Hugs, Hawkins Cheezies and everything else going on in our communities. If he ever comes back here, and I am sure he will, go see him.

Coming up is The Play That Goes Wrong with dates starting Feb. 21. Tickets are bought and I am looking forward to it.

Have a Meowtastic Day, keep reading.

Linda Tooth is the positive culture co-ordinator at Sanare Centre

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