March 12th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Let us be pawsome

By Linda Tooth on December 4, 2024.

I realize I have spoken at great lengths about my love of cats, whether it be my own or the community cats of Medicine Hat we have worked tirelessly to provide a better life for.

What I have not done is write about our dog, which we have had for five years. We adopted him from a local rescue society here in Medicine Hat. Once the previous owner relinquished ownership he was placed with a foster family before we met him.

It was love at first sight when we went and did a meet and greet. He helped us deal with the isolation of COVID-19 and he has been a huge part of our family ever since. He brings us joy every day. I cannot imagine a day without him.

This brings me to write about the anguish people face when they must give up their pets due to financial constraints. These constraints might be regarding rental properties and damage deposits due to pets, as well as constraints regarding the purchasing of pet food.

I have seen posts on social media from people in dire straits regarding pets and news stories from animal shelters and humane societies regarding capacity issues. The Medicine Hat SPCA has said its waitlist is eight months.

Every day we see families in crisis. I often wonder if they have pets and, if so, what will happen to those pets.

The Queen’s Gazette at Queen’s University posted an article by Lisa F Carver, adjunct professor, titled “The Conversation: When pets are family, the benefits extend into society.”

In this article, Carver is quoted as saying, “More and more often, animals are included in family events and become important to all members of the family. This can be particularly significant in single-parent families, where a pet can be an important companion to children.

“Children with pets may have higher levels of empathy and self-esteem compared to those who do not have pets.”

Some believe the best therapist has fur and four legs.

How can we help those families, especially with children, keep their companions?

What would I like to see happen? Pets staying with their families. Sounds easy enough, but how do we make that a reality? It takes a community to help those in need.

I am asking those reading this article to help me, help them. Please reach out to me regarding a food donation and I will ensure it gets to those who need it.

The shelters are full. We must work together to help alleviate the stress people are experiencing when they are forced to choose between food and their pets.

Have a Meowtastic Day!

Linda Tooth is the positive culture co-ordinator at Sanare Centre

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