March 13th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Holiday wrap-up

By Linda Tooth on January 3, 2024.

I managed to stay off social media for one week. I must admit the first day was hard, but after that it was not a problem.

Now, I did sneak a peek at Messenger during that week to see a video sent to me of a four-year-old family member singing Jingle Bells with the new guitar they got for Christmas. It was worth it to see that face and the Christmas joy it brought to me.

It is amazing – and not in an effective way – how much time we spend on social media daily. By staying off for one week I was able to read the book ‘confessions of a forty-something f##k up’ by Alexandra Potter.

This is the second book of hers I have read, and I would suggest it for any person who has planned what they want their life to look like only to discover it is not going according to plan. I was also able to finish the stack of crossword puzzles I had not been able to get to.

During the days leading up to and including Christmas Day, we watched many NFL games on TSN. The Las Vegas Raiders are my new favourite team as they beat the Kansas City Chiefs and Taylor Swift on Christmas Day.

I must admit I am getting a bit tired of hearing about her relationship with Travis Kelce. I also love trips to Las Vegas and one day we might be able to see a Raiders game.

I spent a few days during the break baking dozens of cookies I shared with family and friends. I did not get to the loaves, but I do have bananas aging on my counter and chocolate chips that need to be used up. Some more baking is going to take place.

I am happy to say that with the warm weather we have been experiencing, the community cats are doing well. We have been out twice a day ensuring they have enough food and water to get them through. Thank you to the donors – Knox, Daxon and Chris – for your monetary donations. Food has been bought and shared with the cats. Your kindness is appreciated.

We went to the Medicine Hat Tigers game on Saturday. Sadly, we lost to Lethbridge. I was beyond thrilled to see what I felt was a respectable number of fans there enjoying junior hockey. Thank you to Redcliff Coun. Matthew St. Pierre for coming up to me and introducing himself. He assured me I was welcome at any public portion of a Redcliff town council meeting.

Lastly, by the time you read this, I will be back at work, but I am taking Jan. 1 to travel to Calgary with a friend to shop and spend time at the Regal Cat Cafe.

If you are a cat lover and go to Calgary, you need to check this place out. It is meowtastic!

Linda Tooth is a communications instructor at Medicine Hat College

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