March 14th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Connecting the dots…

By Linda Tooth on October 11, 2023.

We recently interviewed Steve Krysak, co-host of the morning show on Jack 102.1 (CJCY) for an episode on our podcast Cats, Community, and Conversation.

Steve recently had a story published in Chicken Soup for the Soul – Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. He talked about how his life has been a series of events which he refers to as Connecting the Dots. Steve Krysak lives the Steve Jobs phrase, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

I am starting to see the dots connecting in my life.

In 2018, I was at a fundraiser for the Medicine Hat Public Library. I bid and won an opportunity to be a co-host on the morning show at CJCY 102.1 with Steve and John. I have always wanted to be on the radio as those announcers have what I think is the best job. They get paid to talk and they play music.

From that experience, I met Steve, and when his story came out in Chicken Soup for the Soul, I reached out to him and asked if he would like to be a guest on our show. He said, ‘Yes!’

I have been on the board of the Southern Alberta Humane Society and the Medicine Hat SPCA. These two board experiences have taught me what it takes to successfully run a non-profit and now this has moved me into caring and fighting for the Community Cats of Medicine Hat.

How did I get involved with the Community Cats? I agreed to be a guest presenter earlier this year for the Pecha Kucha night in Medicine Hat. After presentations were over, I was approached by a local couple who feed the cats. A new venture was about to take place.

Those board experiences have also introduced me to individuals who have either worked at, or are still working for the Medicine Hat News, and to my weekly column in Wednesday’s paper.

The dots are still connecting. I have held a lot of anger over the way I have been treated in the past regarding my work with non-profit organizations. What a waste of time that has been. Had I not been treated the way I was I would not be here doing the good fight for the community cats and that is most important.

We won a bylaw amendment that I am so proud of and now we must do the work of bringing a TNR program to Medicine Hat.

Stay tuned for more connecting dots… Cheers!

Linda Tooth is a communications instructor at Medicine Hat College

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