March 14th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Change happens, and it’s OK

By LINDA TOOTH on September 6, 2023.

Growing up we believed two things were certain in our lives. That was, we would pay taxes and we would die.

I would like to add a third certainty to that, and it is change.

Somewhere in life you will encounter change. Whether that be a change in a relationship, employment, appearance, friends, the list goes on. While change can be scary, it is also exciting.

I have been at my current employer for 19 years. In that time, I have made a lot of friends, taught so many students from all over the world and had many great opportunities to further educate myself. But as we know, change is inevitable, and a fantastic opportunity presented itself to take what I have taught and bring it to an organization in the form of a Positive Culture Curator.

This full-time role will allow me to understand what it takes to work in a high-stress trauma environment, and how as an organization we can better support those workers who are dealing with some unimaginable events that have happened to people in our city. It takes a special kind of compassionate person to be able to deal with these events and the toll it takes on them is heavy.

We need to be better at how we treat those around us. I know we have been dealing with a lot since COVID-19, but come on everybody, let us be kind.

If you are not happy with your current situation, then make a change. Look for a better paying job if you are struggling to make ends meet. If your relationship is not what you want, then change it. If you have always wanted to go to college or university, apply!

There are so many great opportunities out there and it just requires change to happen.

I will continue to teach part-time for the time being. The students I am teaching need to know that communication is important. It is the only thing that will make this world better.

Maya Angelou is quoted as saying “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

Linda Tooth is a communications instructor at Medicine Hat College

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