March 14th, 2025

Let’s Chat: Tickled pink with Medicine Hat’s amended TNR bylaw

By LINDA TOOTH on August 30, 2023.

I will admit publicly that I love reading the Tuesday and Thursday editions of the News for the Ticked Off and Tickled Pink section.

Whether we agree or disagree, it provides a space for the residents of Medicine Hat and surrounding areas to express their concerns on topics they feel are important to them.

On Thursday, five submissions made the paper regarding the feral/community cat crisis. A ticked off writer was correct when they identified the real issue as the lack of regard for cats by their owners.

They let cats roam freely and unfortunately a significant percentage of those cats are intact. Guess what happens everybody, the females come home pregnant. Now they must care for a pregnant mother who will give birth to 3-5 kittens if not more.

These owners are so irresponsible that when faced with this crisis they do not know what to do. Calls come into shelters asking if there is space for these cats and kittens. Unfortunately, the shelters do not have the room.

What then? Cats and kittens then must learn to fend for themselves. Because of this we now have a bigger problem as they become a part of the feral/community cat colonies.

This is where I and a few like-minded citizens have stepped in and are now officially known as the caregivers for cats and kittens that received a rotten deal at the start. Most of the time they will live a healthy life at their colony. Unfortunately, that is not the case for some. We see death of kittens and injuries to adult cats caused by fighting or other means constantly. We do our best.

I have adopted the slogan “Help me help them. Please spay or neuter your pet.”

It seems like a simple fix, but many people have chosen not to do that. I wonder why? I would love to hear from people on this topic. We need to do more to help our animal population and at this point in my life it is a priority.

Recently, an interviewer asked me the question at a job interview, “Why do you want this job?” My reply, “I want to make this world a better place.”

Linda Tooth is a communications instructor at Medicine Hat College

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