March 14th, 2025

MP Report: Celebrate Canada Day!

By Glen Motz on July 1, 2023.

We are experiencing a time when the world feels unsteady. Too often recently, even our own country seems to be in turmoil. As governments come and go, the Canadian spirit will always be strong in the hearts of those who love our nation and refuse to be torn apart by those who prefer to divide, rather than unite us. As we prepare to celebrate Canada Day, let’s build on that Canadian Spirit and focus on what unites us as country.

Since 1867, when the Fathers of Confederation, led by John A. MacDonald, created Canada under the British North America Act, July 1 has been a day to acknowledge the founding principles of our great nation, recognize the rights, freedoms, and privileges we enjoy and to celebrate with pride and purpose our immeasurable achievements attained over the past 156 years.

As Canadians, we are a unique people. In some quadrants of the world, we are known as being too nice, while in greater portions we are the nation that historically, without hesitation, steps up when trouble and disaster strikes. Canada offered more than its share during world wars, in challenging terrorism and during peacekeeping missions. Canadians are there when natural disasters hit other nations and our doors are open when conflict turns peaceful foreign citizens into refugees fleeing all they have known. Safety can be found at our shores.

Canada is a diverse nation, evident by its vast expanse of geography, and an abundance of ethnic and cultural differences representing the global community. We are a nation of hope that Canada will continue to be a place where families and children are supported and given the chance to thrive. Where learning and innovation are sustained to provide for a brighter future. Where compassion, serving others and volunteerism are encouraged as part of our daily life. Where all people are treated with the dignity and the respect that human beings deserve. Where we truly appreciate our diversity and recognize our differences and yet are free to respectfully disagree without being disagreeable. Where we do to others as we would have others do to us.

There is so much to be proud of when we think of Canada, and so much to be thankful for as well. We must never take for granted the basic freedoms we do enjoy in a democratic society, while never losing sight of our responsibilities and duty to uphold the principles we hold dear. We are a nation with a history – some of it painful, but more so a nation of positive contribution, decency, and integrity.

This July 1, let us continue to show gratitude for those who have built and sacrificed for this country, while continuing to follow in their footsteps by building up what is good and possible. Happy Canada Day!

Glen Motz is the Member of Parliament for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner

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