March 14th, 2025

Just Pondering: The value of neighbours

By Allyson McCaw on June 22, 2023.

June 17 was Good Neighbours Day and I am so very happy to say that I embraced this wonderful idea. As you may know, hubby and I made a very big move two years ago and downsized to a smaller abode and basically started again. There was some trepidation about how we would fit into our new digs and wondering who we would connect with. I am thrilled to report that we couldn’t be happier and more grateful for the incredible people we have met and intermingle with.

I am a big believer in saying that you can live and work in the worst places imaginable, but it is the people you are with that make or break the experience. In my career as a nurse, I have had the joy of being part of a team that always has your back and, in any situation, you have someone to rely on. Truly a thing of beauty and quite frankly a rare experience in our world. But once you have it, you never want to settle for anything less.

The same goes for your neighbours and neighbourhood. I come from small-town Saskatchewan where everyone knew your business and yes, that could be an annoyance. However, when things went south in your world, there was always a friend or neighbour to help pick up the pieces. This is the same feeling I have in our little community now. To have the security and knowledge that neighbours, nay friends, are only a phone call away.

So, if you understand what I am saying please reach out to your neighbours and say thank you.

We have sealed ourselves off from this sense of community and I believe we need more block parties, chats over the fence and interaction with each other. Let’s bring back that caring and sharing experience to our lives.

Big shout out to our great neighbours!

Stay well.

Allyson McCaw is a Medicine Hatter

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