March 14th, 2025

A farewell: A short stint has become a lifetime of love and memories; but it’s time to say goodbye

By KENDALL KING on June 17, 2023.

When I arrived in Medicine Hat almost two years ago, I had no idea the adventure which awaited me.

Born and raised in southwestern Ontario, I never intended to move west. When people ask how I ended up in Alberta, my response is often ‘by accident.’

I landed in Calgary in July of 2021 with a suitcase in one hand and a return ticket in the other. ‘A two-month vacation,’ I said. ‘To visit family.’

Two months turned to six when I, again by accident, secured a job at the News. Then, six months turned to nine, when I signed a lease for an apartment. Nine months turned to 12 when my lease ran up only a few weeks ahead of Stampede (an event not common in Ontario and an experience I didn’t want to miss). And now here I am, almost two years later.

Somewhere between then and now, Medicine Hat has become my home. The people I’ve met here have become my life-long friends, my found family and some of my life’s greatest blessings. The experiences I’ve had, especially those offered through my role at the News, have changed me and helped me grow in ways I could have never imagined.

Looking back, I can’t help but marvel at the adventures which have filled by past two years of life, nor can I help feeling excited for those yet to unfold.

Of all my adventures in life, my time with the News is one of few I cherish most. I am forever grateful to have been part of the News team, and am honoured Hatters trusted me to share their stories and report on topics most important to them.

I am setting off on a new adventure however, and therefore I am bidding farewell the News. The stories in today’s paper are my last as a reporter for the News.

Thank you to everyone who read, commented on and supported stories written by myself and the rest of the Medicine Hat News editorial team.

Thank you most of all to our News team for everything you do and all you are. Keep shining!

Kendall King has been a reporter at the Medicine Hat News for nearly two years, covering topics such as health, seniors and more

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