March 14th, 2025

In Commission: Welcome to In Commission


While many people may have heard of the existence of the Medicine Hat Police Commission, many may not know exactly what the commission does. In this monthly feature article, we will highlight some of the activities of the commission, update you on things that are coming up, and invite you to participate in the public meetings either by correspondence or in person.

The Medicine Hat Police Commission exists as a governance and oversight body for the Medicine Hat Police Service, much like a board of directors does for a corporation, and not unlike city council does for the municipality. Although council does have two representatives on the commission, the other (currently) five positions are citizens who have applied to sit on the commission and were appointed after a selection process. This serves to insulate the police service from direct political control and influence.

The commission typically has three meetings per month. One that is fairly informal and serves just to update members on current items; a closed meeting where sensitive matters can be discussed; and then an open meeting where members of the public can hear patrol report highlights, information and statistics about police activities, and listen to presentations from various units within the police service. There is also an opportunity to ask questions directly to the commission and the police executives (Chief and Inspectors).

Past presentations have included briefings on the Safe Families Intervention Team (SFIT), technical presentations on the use of body cameras, and even a visit with Facility Dogs Mulder and Athena!

The commission is responsible for receiving, questioning and ultimately approving the police service budget, which then goes to city council for approval. We also have important duties and responsibilities when it comes to professional standards and complaints from the public. We review policies and direct the police service to make changes or updates as necessary.

All in all, it’s fascinating work and a terrific way to be involved with our community. In the coming months, we will provide more information about the commission and its activities.

We strongly encourage interested citizens to visit our website, and to plan to attend our open meetings. Please check the website for updates, otherwise we hope to see you at the March 23 meeting at City Hall in council chambers.

In Commission is written by members of the Medicine Hat Police Commission. The MHPC consists of Chairperson Ted Rodych, Vice Chairperson Terry Meidinger, Couns. Shila Sharps and Alison Van Dyke, and members Sarah Scahill, Marco Jansen and Gwendoline Dirk. Questions and comments can be directed to the Chairperson, Ted Rodych, at

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