March 14th, 2025

The Human Condition: Manliness

By Daniel Schnee on January 18, 2023.

With all the debate over cancel culture, wokeness, and so on, it might seem we are all at endless loggerheads. I think facts and common sense can win the day eventually, but before we get there we have yet another problem to deal with: the recent rise of Internet influencers such as former world champion kickboxing star Andrew Tate.

Tate, known for his inflammatory rhetoric and ability to make millions of dollars off the loyalty of his fans, is particularly notorious for his hard-line stances. These stances are extremely misogynistic, including the idea that women are male property and men should behave like pimps, stating, “if a woman is going out with a man, she belongs to that man – that’s his woman – so if she wants to do (erotic modeling) she owes him some money because she is his.”

How can this vile “masculinity” be sold to and bought by so many young men? Rhetoric aside, he does actually embody a few social values that one would hope their children might learn from him: Tate is highly resourceful, fiercely independent, and demonstrates a work ethic that attracts young men to those qualities, which did indeed lead him to being a successful business man and world class athlete. His admirable qualities thus ‘justify’ any/all views.

It is a lifestyle that he generally enjoys at the expense of women, including their physical safety. It is the old ‘whatever is wrong with men is a woman’s fault’ concept. But Tate offers wealth and sexual appeal if you give him money to access his various online products, and after that you will have all the women you want – under your thumb. In this manner masculine insecurity is monetized, but one mustn’t forget that traditional gender language itself allows such exploitation to occur in the first place.

For example, if you look up “manly” in the dictionary you will notice that the word sums up characteristics “traditionally associated with or expected of men,” any number of virtues centered on strength and heroism. Alternatively, one who is “womanly” demonstrates characteristics traditionally associated with or expected of women, all based on being curvaceous or buxom… not a virtue in sight. But considering the centuries of abuse women have suffered at the hands of men, you’d think being womanly would be seen as being the most courageous and heroic among us.

The dictionary itself reveals the game: if being manly is inherently virtuous then Tate is teaching boys that misogyny is manly, and manliness is virtuous. Women are thus the opposite, and ‘need’ to be under the control of Tate and his followers.

It is totally possible that Tate’s extreme position is merely a front to earn money. But if every progressive step made by women is considered a golden opportunity for young men to intentionally build and grow prosperous worldwide misogyny businesses, then it is high time to be truly manly… and by manly I mean be as courageous and brave as women, who tirelessly fight against Tate and the fecal matter that comes out of his mouth.

Dr. Daniel Schnee is an anthropologist and jazz/rock drummer

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