March 14th, 2025

Just Pondering: The race is on

By Allyson McCaw on October 27, 2022.

So, we are going to the polls on Nov. 8 for a byelection in our area, and isn’t that exciting. I love the fact that it seems we have finally woken up and are talking politics again. For so long it has seemed to me that a horrible apathy had crept in. All too often the remark, “Oh why should I vote or care because it won’t make any difference?” We felt defeated and so very jaded about our politicians and politics in general.

I get it. We have been in turmoil for way too long. The buzz word “transparency” has been tossed around forever and yet it seems the clearer things should be the cloudier they get. To me if a politician forms a platform and campaigns on his or her strong beliefs and ideals that is transparency.

So then I know as a voter that when I go to put a X next to a name that person is who I align with, and feel will be my voice. When our leaders and representatives continually back track and seem to lose themselves in pleasing everyone ,our confidence is eroded. It is simple: just own it regardless of the push back. Stand by your convictions and I will respect you even if I do not like it. Then when the next vote comes around, I can make a change.

Let us not forget on Nov. 11 we take time to remember all the men, women and children who gave up their lives so we can go to that booth and make change. I feel the biggest homage we can give is to VOTE. Cast off the apathy, talk at the water cooler, read a newspaper, get informed. Then line up for democracy because you can make a difference!

Stay well


Allyson McCaw is a Medicine Hatter

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