March 15th, 2025

MP Report: Poilievre the perfect leader to get Canada back on track

By Glen Motz on September 30, 2022.

It is exciting to see Canadians with a renewed sense of hope and optimism because of the new Conservative leader, Pierre Poilievre. He is exactly who our country needs to get us back on track as a proud, productive nation. His courageous vision and common-sense messages are very clear and can unify our divided country.

Canadians are desperate for a Prime Minister and a government in whom they can once again trust to look out for their best interests and those of this great country. A government for the people, not of the people. A government with a strong servant-leader who cares about those he serves. Someone who understands that what makes Canada great is its people.

I am reminded of the wisdom in the book of Proverbs that says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” And, “When a nation … is led with understanding and knowledge, there is stability.”

Canadians can’t keep up with the increased cost of living and the increased taxes that this government keeps burdening us with as the means to offset its out-of-control spending, borrowing and money printing. Poilievre is a serious, common-sense individual, who has a plan to make life more affordable for Canadians, restore their faith in government and provide hope for the future.

Pierre represents solid conservative values of smaller government, sensible regulations that support free enterprise, balanced budgets, with a focused plan founded on growth, opportunity and renewed hope for all Canadians.

During his leadership acceptance speech, Pierre mentioned several more priorities the next Conservative government would implement:

 Canada has the most ethically produced and environmentally friendly oil and gas in the world and we need to use it for economic development. Conservatives will repeal the Liberal’s anti-energy laws and replace them with a law that protects our environment, consults First Nations and gets things built.

 Green light Newfoundland and Labrador’s planned increase in oil production, which will allow Canada to fully replace imported oil.

Ensure our agriculture sector is supported and not hindered in its ability to provide sustainable food production for Canadians and the globe.

Restore the hope of safe streets. Weakened laws allow chronic and violent re-offenders out of prison early at great danger to our citizens. Instead of targeting licensed and law-abiding, trained and tested firearms owners, Conservatives will bolster the laws, bolster the borders and put the real criminals in jail.

Restore the hope of home ownership by challenging the government gatekeepers that block housing with heavy fees and long delays for building permits.

As the Official Opposition, his leadership direction is simple, Conservatives are willing to work with all parties, but we will not compromise on areas of principle. Most importantly, there will be no compromise on matters that impact Canadian families and the critical work that must be undertaken to restore economic stability in this country.

Canadians need only two things to survive and thrive – freedom and good government. I can’t wait for the next election when Canadians will finally get both.

Glen Motz is the Member of Parliament for Cardston-Warner-Medicine Hat

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