March 13th, 2025

The Human Condition: ‘Left-leaning’

By DR. DANIEL SCHNEE on September 28, 2022.

As a Conservative citizen I think it would be great if we all held more traditional, decidedly Conservative values, while adapting to the modern needs of society; not remaining in the past, but cherishing our legacy.

So it came as an amusing surprise to see a commenter in “Tickled Pink” describe my column on Pierre Poilievre’s policies as “left-leaning,” (in contrast to MLA Drew Barnes thoughts on the matter). I often critique Conservative policy and leadership, in order to improve a system of governance in which I passionately believe. But as entertaining as I found that reader’s description of my work, I wonder if they have exposed me to an uncomfortable truth.

If for example I happened to expose (yet another) demonstrable problem in Trudeau’s governance, that makes me a truth teller. If I point out such a problem in the policy of Poilievre, my take might be defined as a “leftist” position. Thus, seeking truth becomes synonymous with left-wing thinking. What if this insinuation is actually correct? Has the commenter actually held me up to the light and found me wanting?

The generic liberal position is one of cooperation and checking excesses of power and wealth. The generic conservative position is one of free enterprise and merit, which needs to be managed by traditional values. In a perfect world the two groups would keep each other honest, maintain a functioning equilibrium. But as much as I criticize the left wing for its failures, the right wing has not exactly filled the gap, or proven ourselves to be a clear antidote to Trudeau.

If our response to Trudeau’s Saudi oil dealings is yelling about some vague notion of freedom, disconnected from any recognizable energy reforms, then the left is about policy and negotiation while we right-wingers are merely fans of obscene truck stickers. If I don’t care about self-reflection on my side of the political fence, I practically guarantee Trudeau and his ilk get re-elected forever. It is what I call ‘Burke Derangement Syndrome.’

From 2008-2011, the Toronto Maple Leafs had a strange habit of playing low-ranked teams and losing badly, then heading off to play a high-ranked team and beating them handily. Why was this so? Because the Leafs are the richest hockey market in the NHL. No matter how they play, tickets and merchandise will always be snapped up rapidly. They will never win the Stanley Cup again, because they don’t have to, thanks to the mountains of money that come into their coffers regardless of the team’s fortunes. Then-GM Brian Burke had built a great team that actually could win the Cup during those years… and he was practically ran out of town for it. Burke was a “tyrant” for holding everyone else to their part of the bargain. My beloved Leafs did what was necessary to look like winners (while not actually winning).

Thus, if common sense and fact somehow become the purview of the left, then we Conservatives ourselves need to regain that lost ground. And if doing so is “left-leaning,” then how “left” must I lean? If merely seeking the truth is somehow leaning away from the right wing, then one day I may be compelled to lean all the way out the door.

Dr. Daniel Schnee is an anthropologist and jazz/rock drummer

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