March 14th, 2025

The Human Condition: Alberta or bust

By Daniel Schnee on August 31, 2022.

Years ago back in college I was the lead singer of a rock band. And though we eventually disbanded, we had some great times and played some great cover songs.

I often think of the band’s keyboardist. As much as he was a skilled player, he was also very “soul-based”: approaching both music and life with uncommon empathy and reflection. Whatever he was doing he thought about it deeply, and his actions always had an unspoken, sympathetic energy that was driven towards his fellow man. That keyboard player is MLA David Shepherd, Alberta’s NDP Health Critic.

Shepherd recently criticized UCP candidate Danielle Smith for her suggestion that seniors occupying hospital acute care beds be moved to hotels in the event of a future wave of COVID-19 infection. He rightly noted that long-term care patients require a registered nurse present at all times to assist them, and that hotels and hospitals are not interchangeable environments. Indeed, hotel and medical staff working in the same space would make any control over viral transmission impossible.

These kinds of statements reveal the “soul” of either an MLA or a candidate; the real concerns and feelings behind any slogans or campaign websites. And though I am a critic of NDP policy and politicians like Shepherd, I know from experience that Shepherd, as always, is fighting to protect people from harm. That hasn’t changed in the 30 years I have known him. But since I don’t know Smith like I do Shepherd I must try to get a sense of the person behind her words and campaign, especially if I am to consider making her the leader of our province.

Smith’s website is mostly dedicated to Alberta sovereignty, and little else. There are no organized policy plans, no budget outlines, or information related to anything of concern to new Canadians or our Indigenous population. Instead she posts her tweets about cancel culture, Justin Trudeau’s supposed tyranny, and the apparent lawlessness of Ottawa.

One such tweet from Aug. 27 reads: “Is Justin Trudeau seriously hiring Climate Change Enforcement Officers? As Premier, we will not permit any Federal climate cops to operate in Alberta by virtue of the Alberta Sovereignty Act.”

The enforcement branch of Environment and Climate Change Canada protects and conserves both the environment and national wildlife through waste management, land reclamation, etc. And, as Smith’s website explicitly states, a Premier or governing party will not be able refuse enforcement of any federal law or policy they don’t like (unless authorized by way of a free vote amongst all elected MLAs in the Alberta Legislature).

But Smith has already pre-decided what is supposed to be voted upon, which is undemocratic and openly contradicts her own campaign promises, all on the very same website. The soulfulness behind this kind of “democracy” is worrying, as tearing down Trudeau hides a distinct lack of replacement policy.

I am not saying we should (or should not) vote for either Shepherd or Smith. But we don’t want sovereignty over a province that has been so badly managed its citizens are needlessly dying.

Our answer to the growing burnout rate and exodus of healthcare workers, for example, can’t be “Trudeau is bad.” For this is not about Ottawa, it’s about us.

Dr. Daniel Schnee is an anthropologist and jazz/rock drummer.

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